
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A Lesson From A Late Spring.

     We have had an unusually long winter. It is heading towards the end of April and we are still getting snow. The ground is covered, and everything is a mess.
     The other day I looked out the window at work and saw it snowing again. At first I was annoyed, but then I paused and prayed "What are you trying to say, God?".
     I thought about it for a minute and sensed God was showing me that He has been longing to pour out His Spirit upon His people, but they are unwilling to receive Him. Just as this is the time for rain, and things to green up and grow, but it has been too cold, likewise the Church has in a great measure grown to cold to receive the rain of the Holy Spirit. Many like things the way they are. They do not want change. Others hold on to sin, and do not want to feel conviction.
     The remedy is repentance! The rain will only come and fall upon the ground that has been plowed up. The sleet and snow will only turn to rain as the temperature warms up. Likewise the Holy Spirit will only shower upon those whose hearts are warmed up to receive Him. We must lay aside our complacency, selfishness, and sin, and return to Christ once again. He stands ready to restore and revive. He longs to fill us with His presence. It is spring, the time for new life to begin!