
Friday, June 7, 2013

Pray for Northeast South Dakota.

     I believe that God has great things in store for Northeast South Dakota. We desperately need revival. This is a hard place spiritually, as is the case in many other communities. Many have cried out to God for years for a move of His Holy Spirit, holding on to Him by faith to do it. I believe that the time is about to come. I believe a mighty revival is about to sweep across this State. Not a fluffy revival of fleshly nature, but one born through the Spirit's mighty convicting power, as evidenced by deep personal repentance and transformed lives.
     Join me in prayer, that God would do this for His glory, that He would have a spotless bride in South Dakota. We desire to see changed lives here, we want things to be as God intends them to be!
     Please pray!

Sunday, June 2, 2013


     Every true revival is preceded by a deep repentance. Here is a post on repentance from the blog site Contending for the faith.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

I Sought a Man.

     Will it be God's judgement, or revival? God is looking for a man to stand in the gap. Someone to intercede for a backslidden church, a nation that has departed from God, and a lost world. watch this video by George Delo and allow God to challenge you to step up.

A Voice of Thunder.

     Few men have spoken for God with the power and conviction of Charles G. Finney. In an age where the church had grown cold and formal, he labored to bring them back to a life of holiness for the glory of God. He refused to compromise, calling sin sin. He understood many of the "refuges of lies" (excuses) that sinners hid behind. With a powerful voice, full of the Holy Spirit, he preached with conviction. Men would fall to their knees trembling before the holy God they had rebelled against. Thousands were saved from lives of sin, thousands were brought back from backsliding. God used him mightily to bring revival to the church of his day.
     He had no power in and of himself. What was his secret? He was yielded to God, full of the Holy Spirit. He walked in total obedience to God and His word. He was a man of prayer. He understood that without the power of the Holy Spirit in his life, he could do nothing.
     His writings exist today, and have been a source of growth and encouragement to many. Many individuals have read them and God has used them to bring revival as well.
     Why not let God use you? We need a voice of thunder today. Let God fill you and use you. Oh how the church needs revival today.