Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Has the law been lost?

     King Josiah was a godly leader who began to purge the kingdom of Judah of idolatry. The temple of God had been neglected, and fallen into ruin. while it was being repaired, the book of the law was found, and read to the king. Through the word of God he was shown how odious the nation was in the eyes of God, and that they deserved the judgement of God (2Chron 34:8-21).
     I fear we have lost the word ofGod as well today. We have lost the word in the church! Too many pastors and teachers have compromised the message. We have become seeker sensitive. We attract the lost into our churches, but we do not want to offend them, so we leave out sin and judgement. We do not mention hell because we don't want to scare anyone. We do not want them to feel left out, so there are no deep messages. Yet the writer of Hebrews tells us to leave the basics, and press on to maturity!
     We need to return to the word of God. We need to study it, we need to meditate on it, it must be proclaimed in all of its truth from our pulpits, and we must live it. It was when Josiah heard the word, and acted upon it, that the kingdom of Judah experienced a revival

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