
Sunday, February 26, 2012

The tongue of fire.

Whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God.
     1 Peter 4:11a esv.

    What we need today, are individuals who will boldly proclaim the whole council of God. We need individuals today who will proclaim God's word under the annointing of the Holy Spirit. We need pastors and teachers who will speak as God directs them. We need pastors and teachers with clean hands and pure hearts, we need them to be prayed up, full of the Holy Ghost and fire. The Church does not need to hear sermons and teachings, the Church needs to hear God.
     The old time holiness people spoke of the tongue of fire. This was the word delivered with power. Pastors and evangelists spoke with conviction. The fire fell, and people came under conviction. It was as if God himself was speaking. Their words cut like a sword and stuck into hearts. The Church was brought back to their first love, backsliders repented, sinners were saved, the presence of God was ushered in in a very real sense.
     Peter spoke with the tongue of fire on the day of pentecost, and three thousand souls were brought into the kingdom. Men were cut to the heart, and said "What must we do?". Stephen spoke with a passion and power that few speak with today. Those who opposed him, could not contend with the Holy Spirit who was enabling him to teach the word of God. It cost him his life, he was completely consumed for God. He would not back down. This was how the gospel was spread in the days of the apostles. Paul lived in the annointing of the Holy Spirit, he preached with power, and saw results. This was how the early Church worked. they preached and taught, and evangelized in the power of the Holy Spirit. It was not the words of man, but of God that were proclaimed, and heard.
     This same power was experienced by evangelists, and oastors and revivalists of more recent history. Edwards, and Brainard, Wesley, Whitfield, Finney, and a host of many others all spoke with an authority that few speak with today.  Leonard Ravenhill, Smith Wigglesworth, David Wilkerson, all spoke with conviction. They delivered a message to the Church in a very prophetic sense.
     We need the fire today, we need to hear God today. We need the Holy Spirit to come and convict. We need Him to edify and strengthen the Church, to build it up for the work He has called us to.
     Pastors, sunday school teachers, evangelists, leaders, let God speak today.


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