Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. The wild beasts will honor me, the jackals and the ostriches, for I give water in the wilderness, rivers in the desert, to give drink to my chosen people, the people whom I formed for myself that they might declare my praise.
Isaiah 43:18-21 ESV
There are Christians today who hunger for the presence of God. They are grieved over the shallowness of a lukewarm church. They desire to see the unsaved set free from the power of sin. They are discouraged by the lack of power in prayer and witness. It is the same old story over and over. A lot of activity with no true results.
Take hope discouraged Christian! Dwell no longer in the failures of the past. Look foward to the author and perfector of your faith. Like the Apostle Paul, look not at what is seen, but focus on what is unseen. With eyes of faith, expect God to do the unexpected. The things that the church has long ago stopped believing God for, He is about to accomplish. We have forgotten the power that the early church walked in as they fearlessly proclaimed the One who is mighty to save. God is about to do a new thing in this day, not a new thing, but a return to the power and purity that burned in the hearts of those set apart to Him. Awake O sleeper, and come to life, for the light of the Lord is about to dawn on you.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Monday, June 25, 2012
A heavenly mindset.
Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.
Col 3:2,3 NASB
We need to keep our eyes on Christ. We must be about His business. We tend to get bogged down with the affairs of life. If we seek first the Kingdom of God, really make it our priority, live for it with an all consuming passion, He will take care of our needs and concerns.
Col 3:2,3 NASB
We need to keep our eyes on Christ. We must be about His business. We tend to get bogged down with the affairs of life. If we seek first the Kingdom of God, really make it our priority, live for it with an all consuming passion, He will take care of our needs and concerns.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
The manifest presence of God.
One thing I have asked from the Lord, that shall I seek: That I shall dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord and to meditate in His temple.
Psalm 27:4 NASB
Psalm 27:4 NASB
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Where two or three have gathered.
For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.
Matthew 18:20 NASB
Today millions will enter churches around the world. Sadly, most will not experience the presence of God in it's fulness. To most this verse is mere sentiment. It is quoted often but not experienced in reality.
The presence of God is a very real thing. When He is there in Glory and power, there is no mistaking it. This is what He desires. He wants to come and meet with us in such a way. We often stand in the way of His entering in. To gather in His name is to come seeking Him. It is to come desiring Him to be honored, it is to come in awe of him, it is to seek His will and way. Two or three gathered together speaks of unity of purpose, fellowship based upon something held in common. Where two or three come seeking God with all their heart, desiring to meet with Him, seeking His glory, desiring Him to have His way in everything, He will be there.
Come expecting.
Matthew 18:20 NASB
Today millions will enter churches around the world. Sadly, most will not experience the presence of God in it's fulness. To most this verse is mere sentiment. It is quoted often but not experienced in reality.
The presence of God is a very real thing. When He is there in Glory and power, there is no mistaking it. This is what He desires. He wants to come and meet with us in such a way. We often stand in the way of His entering in. To gather in His name is to come seeking Him. It is to come desiring Him to be honored, it is to come in awe of him, it is to seek His will and way. Two or three gathered together speaks of unity of purpose, fellowship based upon something held in common. Where two or three come seeking God with all their heart, desiring to meet with Him, seeking His glory, desiring Him to have His way in everything, He will be there.
Come expecting.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Coming out of the world.
By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to a place that he was to receive as an inheritance. And he went out not knowing where he was going. By faith he went to live in the land of promise, as in a foreign land, living in tents with Isaac and Jacob, heirs with him of the same promise. For he was looking forward to the city that has foundations, whose designer and builder is God.
Hebrews 11:8-10 ESV.
We need to understand that Abraham left a country that was filled with wealth and knowledge. He left the world that he knew, and was comfortable in. He did this at the command of God. He left on a promise. He was to receive the land of Canaan, as an inheritance. In his lifetime he only owned a burial plot in this land, dwelling in it as a stranger. He had his eyes on God, looking forward to what was to come.
What about us? Do we fix our eyes on Christ and eternal things, or are we absorbed by this world? We must live in this world as strangers, foreigners. There can be no compromise with worldly ways, we must leave it all behind. No conformity, we are called to be pure, children of light in a perverse generation.
Hebrews 11:8-10 ESV.
We need to understand that Abraham left a country that was filled with wealth and knowledge. He left the world that he knew, and was comfortable in. He did this at the command of God. He left on a promise. He was to receive the land of Canaan, as an inheritance. In his lifetime he only owned a burial plot in this land, dwelling in it as a stranger. He had his eyes on God, looking forward to what was to come.
What about us? Do we fix our eyes on Christ and eternal things, or are we absorbed by this world? We must live in this world as strangers, foreigners. There can be no compromise with worldly ways, we must leave it all behind. No conformity, we are called to be pure, children of light in a perverse generation.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Seek My face.
2 Chronicles 7:14 is a verse that we are familiar with. It speaks of prayer, and repentance, and promised restoration. When we think of revival, this verse often comes to mind.
One thing I see in this verse, is the need to seek the face of God. When an individual, a church, or nation, drifts away from God, His presence departs. Along with a humble repentant heart, God is looking for those who desire Him. He is looking for those who desire His presence, who desire to fellowship with Him. He calls out "Seek my face.".
Our greatest need is the person of Christ Himself!
One thing I see in this verse, is the need to seek the face of God. When an individual, a church, or nation, drifts away from God, His presence departs. Along with a humble repentant heart, God is looking for those who desire Him. He is looking for those who desire His presence, who desire to fellowship with Him. He calls out "Seek my face.".
Our greatest need is the person of Christ Himself!
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
The stone is rolled away.
7And he said, “Behold, it is still high day; it is not time for the livestock to be gathered. Water the sheep, and go, pasture them.” 8But they said, “We cannot, until all the flocks are gathered, and they roll the stone from the mouth of the well; then we water the sheep.” 9While he was still speaking with them, Rachel came with her father’s sheep, for she was a shepherdess. 10And it came about, when Jacob saw Rachel the daughter of Laban his mother’s brother, and the sheep of Laban his mother’s brother, that Jacob went up, and rolled the stone from the mouth of the well, and watered the flock of Laban his mother’s brother.
The Lockman Foundation (2009-03-19). Holy Bible: New American Standard Bible (NASB 1977 edition) (Kindle Locations 1048-1053). The Lockman Foundation. Kindle Edition.
These verses remind me of pentecost and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Jesus lives! The stone is rolled away. He is waiting to fill us with living water! Like the 120 in the upper room waiting for the coming of the Spirit, we too need to gather in unity of purpose, desiring nothing but more of Him. Where two or three gather in His name, He promises to be there with them in their midst. Cling to this promise and seek God to pour out His Spirit upon you and your Church, your community, and your nation!
The Lockman Foundation (2009-03-19). Holy Bible: New American Standard Bible (NASB 1977 edition) (Kindle Locations 1048-1053). The Lockman Foundation. Kindle Edition.
These verses remind me of pentecost and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Jesus lives! The stone is rolled away. He is waiting to fill us with living water! Like the 120 in the upper room waiting for the coming of the Spirit, we too need to gather in unity of purpose, desiring nothing but more of Him. Where two or three gather in His name, He promises to be there with them in their midst. Cling to this promise and seek God to pour out His Spirit upon you and your Church, your community, and your nation!
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Full Surrender.
God is looking for empty vessels, individuals who desire nothing but Him, and seek nothing but His glory!
Friday, April 6, 2012
The depth of sin.
He who would know holiness must understand sin: and he who would see sin as God sees it, and think of it as God does, must look at the cross and grave of the Son of God, and must know the meaning of Gethsemane and Golgotha.
Horatius Bonar (2010-04-14). God's Way of Holiness (Kindle Locations 203-205). Unknown. Kindle Edition.
Sin is no small matter. Sin is not merely a mistake, or something that cannot be helped. It cannot be excused by "I was born that way", or worse yet, "God made me that way, and God don't make junk".
The mind set on the flesh, is hostile to God. It does not submit to Him or His ways (Romans 8:5-8). The sin nature is in actuality, rebellion against God.
The cross demonstrates God's love for a sinning world. It also shows us the ugliness of sin, the depth of man's depravity. It shows us that a holy and just God cannot tolerate sin. Jesus suffered and died that we may truly live. We are called to holiness, pure hearts and clean hands!
Horatius Bonar (2010-04-14). God's Way of Holiness (Kindle Locations 203-205). Unknown. Kindle Edition.
Sin is no small matter. Sin is not merely a mistake, or something that cannot be helped. It cannot be excused by "I was born that way", or worse yet, "God made me that way, and God don't make junk".
The mind set on the flesh, is hostile to God. It does not submit to Him or His ways (Romans 8:5-8). The sin nature is in actuality, rebellion against God.
The cross demonstrates God's love for a sinning world. It also shows us the ugliness of sin, the depth of man's depravity. It shows us that a holy and just God cannot tolerate sin. Jesus suffered and died that we may truly live. We are called to holiness, pure hearts and clean hands!
Friday, March 30, 2012
There can be no excuses.
For I know my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me. Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight, so that you may be justified in your words and blameless in your judgement.
Psalm 51:3,4 ESV
I work at a place that employs about 135 people. It always amazes me how many individuals have excuses for their mistakes. If something is broken, or something is made wrong, there is always an excuse. Often someone else is blamed for what is done. Seldom does anyone just admit they did it wrong, they have nothing else to say, they were wrong.
It works the same way with repentance toward God. There can be no justifying of sinful actions, no excuses, no blaming others, no sugarcoating of sin. We must take the blame for our sin. We must admit that God is right, we are wrong. Repentance sees sin for the first time the way God sees it, vile and offensive. Instead of arrogant excuses, the truly repentant soul humbly confesses its sin to God with a broken heart, and turns from it.
Psalm 51:3,4 ESV
I work at a place that employs about 135 people. It always amazes me how many individuals have excuses for their mistakes. If something is broken, or something is made wrong, there is always an excuse. Often someone else is blamed for what is done. Seldom does anyone just admit they did it wrong, they have nothing else to say, they were wrong.
It works the same way with repentance toward God. There can be no justifying of sinful actions, no excuses, no blaming others, no sugarcoating of sin. We must take the blame for our sin. We must admit that God is right, we are wrong. Repentance sees sin for the first time the way God sees it, vile and offensive. Instead of arrogant excuses, the truly repentant soul humbly confesses its sin to God with a broken heart, and turns from it.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
"Behold I am going to send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the LORD. He will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers, so that I will not come and smite the land with a curse.
Malachi 4:5,6 NASB
God has ordained the family to be a place where love abounds. We are to care for one another, look out for each other, fellowship with each other, and spur one another along towards righteousness.
The home is to be where God is honored, His word proclaimed, and put into practice.
Sadly, a vast number of homes are broken for various reasons. Family members are estranged to one another. There is no fellowship, no encouragement, no love. What is even more tragic, is that this condition affects many in the church. The church today is filled with individuals who are outcasts in their homes. Even worse, many in the church treat family as outcasts. this is displeasing to God, and according to these verses we are in danger of a curse. It is no wonder that so many are spiritually weak and powerless.
The good news is that reconciliation is possible. A sure sign of revival is individuals getting right with one another. Children reconciling with parents, and parents reconciling with their children. When the presence of the Lord comes in, people begin to get right with each other, as they get right with Him. Bitterness, hatred, unforgiveness, and strife all must go if Christ is to be enthroned in the hearts of His people. God is love, and those who are filled with Him walk in love.
We need a revival today! God desires to be exalted in our congregations, homes, and in individuals. He wants our family relations to be restored, to be pleasing to Him once again.
Malachi 4:5,6 NASB
God has ordained the family to be a place where love abounds. We are to care for one another, look out for each other, fellowship with each other, and spur one another along towards righteousness.
The home is to be where God is honored, His word proclaimed, and put into practice.
Sadly, a vast number of homes are broken for various reasons. Family members are estranged to one another. There is no fellowship, no encouragement, no love. What is even more tragic, is that this condition affects many in the church. The church today is filled with individuals who are outcasts in their homes. Even worse, many in the church treat family as outcasts. this is displeasing to God, and according to these verses we are in danger of a curse. It is no wonder that so many are spiritually weak and powerless.
The good news is that reconciliation is possible. A sure sign of revival is individuals getting right with one another. Children reconciling with parents, and parents reconciling with their children. When the presence of the Lord comes in, people begin to get right with each other, as they get right with Him. Bitterness, hatred, unforgiveness, and strife all must go if Christ is to be enthroned in the hearts of His people. God is love, and those who are filled with Him walk in love.
We need a revival today! God desires to be exalted in our congregations, homes, and in individuals. He wants our family relations to be restored, to be pleasing to Him once again.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
What if Jesus came to Church?
What would happen if Jesus suddenly came into one of our services today? What would He do, and how would we react?
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
We need to press in!
Exodus 33:7-11.
We read that Moses set up the tent of meeting outside of the camp. Anyone who desired to seek the Lord could go and meet with Him there. Moses would go and meet with God often. The people would watch him leave, they would stand at the door of their tents, and watch him enter into the presence of God. They would then worship the Lord from the safety of their tents. They did not want to get too close. It was good enough for them to have Moses go. After all he was their leader. He could receive guidance from God, and share it with them!
Too many are like this today as well. It is ok to go to church. We want our pastors to be close to God, so they can instruct us. It is ok to see others pursue God with a passion, while we content ourselves to sit back and worship from a distance.
Things did not go well for Israel at this time. Moses was on the mountain with God for forty days and nights. People began to look for something to worship in his absence, and made a golden calf. They paid a great price for this sin. It was a reflection of their lack of devotion to God, an unwillingness to get into His presence and hear from Him.
Moses would have to leave the presence of God, to come back and relate to the people what God had for them. On the other hand, this portion of scripture closes by mentioning Joshua, Moses' young assistant. He would remain in God's presence long after Moses had left. This is the man who years later led Israel into the promised land.
We need to be like Moses, and Joshua. God wants to meet with us. We need to experience Him for ourselves, and not depend on the experiences of others. We need to draw near to Him for ourselves. Do not be a worshipper who only worships from a distance!
We read that Moses set up the tent of meeting outside of the camp. Anyone who desired to seek the Lord could go and meet with Him there. Moses would go and meet with God often. The people would watch him leave, they would stand at the door of their tents, and watch him enter into the presence of God. They would then worship the Lord from the safety of their tents. They did not want to get too close. It was good enough for them to have Moses go. After all he was their leader. He could receive guidance from God, and share it with them!
Too many are like this today as well. It is ok to go to church. We want our pastors to be close to God, so they can instruct us. It is ok to see others pursue God with a passion, while we content ourselves to sit back and worship from a distance.
Things did not go well for Israel at this time. Moses was on the mountain with God for forty days and nights. People began to look for something to worship in his absence, and made a golden calf. They paid a great price for this sin. It was a reflection of their lack of devotion to God, an unwillingness to get into His presence and hear from Him.
Moses would have to leave the presence of God, to come back and relate to the people what God had for them. On the other hand, this portion of scripture closes by mentioning Joshua, Moses' young assistant. He would remain in God's presence long after Moses had left. This is the man who years later led Israel into the promised land.
We need to be like Moses, and Joshua. God wants to meet with us. We need to experience Him for ourselves, and not depend on the experiences of others. We need to draw near to Him for ourselves. Do not be a worshipper who only worships from a distance!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
If your presence does not go with us, we won't go!
I think about Moses, and when God was angry with Israel after they made the golden calf. God said go into the promised land, I will drive out the people before you, I will send an angel to go before you, but I will not go with you. This is when Moses said he would not go if God's presence was not with them.
I feel the same way about church. If God is not there, why go? I wish this would be considered by pastors, teachers, worhip leaders,etc. If God is not here in presence and power, let's stop. No singing, no teaching, no preaching. Let's get on our faces before God, seek Him, find out why He is not here, repent if need be, and wait for Him. Without His presence it is all an empty formality. It is in His presence where lives are touched and impacted. This is where worship thrives, where our purpose is found. It is about Him and for Him. Amen!
I feel the same way about church. If God is not there, why go? I wish this would be considered by pastors, teachers, worhip leaders,etc. If God is not here in presence and power, let's stop. No singing, no teaching, no preaching. Let's get on our faces before God, seek Him, find out why He is not here, repent if need be, and wait for Him. Without His presence it is all an empty formality. It is in His presence where lives are touched and impacted. This is where worship thrives, where our purpose is found. It is about Him and for Him. Amen!
Thursday, March 15, 2012
One thing.
One thing have I asked of the LORD, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to inquire in his temple.
Psalm 27:4 ESV
A hunger for God, a desire to live in His presence in a very real and tangible way, to know Him intimately, is presented in this verse. The apostle Paul had the same hunger. He said "One thing I do" (Phil 3:13). His life was not scattered into many pursuits. He did not preach, plant churches, travel, pray, make tents, etc. He did one thing only,pursue Christ! His ONE desire was to know Christ, and all else flowed out of this singleness of purpose.
We are too divided. Our pursuits have us running all over the place. Like Paul, we need to clean house, get rid of anything that hinders knowing Christ more and more.
All David desired was to dwell in the temple all the days of his life. He did not mean a physical building. He was not talking about shutting himself within a church. He was speaking about the glorious presence of God. All that he desired and pursued was swallowed up by this one great desire, to know God intimately.
Paul accomplished more for Christ than most people ever have. All of this flowed from his pursuit of God, his singleness of purpose. Likewise, if we also would pursue God with all of our hearts, with a passion that swallows up everything, we would truly find Him, live in His presence, and carry His glory. We have been chosen to be temples for the LORD, a place for Him to dwell. Let Him come and fill you with His presence.
Psalm 27:4 ESV
A hunger for God, a desire to live in His presence in a very real and tangible way, to know Him intimately, is presented in this verse. The apostle Paul had the same hunger. He said "One thing I do" (Phil 3:13). His life was not scattered into many pursuits. He did not preach, plant churches, travel, pray, make tents, etc. He did one thing only,pursue Christ! His ONE desire was to know Christ, and all else flowed out of this singleness of purpose.
We are too divided. Our pursuits have us running all over the place. Like Paul, we need to clean house, get rid of anything that hinders knowing Christ more and more.
All David desired was to dwell in the temple all the days of his life. He did not mean a physical building. He was not talking about shutting himself within a church. He was speaking about the glorious presence of God. All that he desired and pursued was swallowed up by this one great desire, to know God intimately.
Paul accomplished more for Christ than most people ever have. All of this flowed from his pursuit of God, his singleness of purpose. Likewise, if we also would pursue God with all of our hearts, with a passion that swallows up everything, we would truly find Him, live in His presence, and carry His glory. We have been chosen to be temples for the LORD, a place for Him to dwell. Let Him come and fill you with His presence.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Just like us.
The bible tells us that Elijah was a man with a nature just like us. There was nothing extra special about him. God chose to use him, and he yielded in obedience.
This should encourage us to step out in faith and let God use us as well. Who knows what He may do through you?
This should encourage us to step out in faith and let God use us as well. Who knows what He may do through you?
Monday, March 12, 2012
Faith that obtains the blessing.
Jacob wrestled all night with God, and obtained the blessing. He said " I will not let go until you bless me". He found favor with Esau, and God's chosen people, through whom the covenant of grace would come, were preserved.
Elisha persisted in following Elijah every step of the way. He desired the double portion of Elijah's mantle, and would not leave his side. He knew that to lose sight of Elijah, when he was taken to glory, was to lose all. He persisted and received the double portion.
Joash the king, was half hearted, and it cost him a full victory over Syria.
What will time say of us?
Elisha persisted in following Elijah every step of the way. He desired the double portion of Elijah's mantle, and would not leave his side. He knew that to lose sight of Elijah, when he was taken to glory, was to lose all. He persisted and received the double portion.
Joash the king, was half hearted, and it cost him a full victory over Syria.
What will time say of us?
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Refiners Fire.
"Behold I send my messenger and he will prepeare the way before me. And the Lord whom you seek will suddenly come to his temple; and the messenger of the covenant in whom you delight, behold he is coming, says the Lord of hosts. But who can endure the day of his coming, and who can stand when he appears? For he is like a refiner's fire and like fuller's soap. He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver, and he will purify the sons of Levi and refine them like gold and siver, and they will bring offerings in righteousness to the Lord. Then the offerings of Judah and Jerusalem will be pleasing to the Lord as in the days of old and as in former years.
Malachi 3:1-4 ESV
The Israelites, God's chosen people longed for the appearing of the Messiah. They were warned by the Prophet Malachi however, that when He appeared, it would not be what they expected. They held many misconceptions about the Messiah. They desired His appearing, but in reality their hearts were far from God.
Many in the Church today long to see the return of Christ. They are sick of this world and want to get out of it. Many, like the people in Malchi's day, have hearts that in reality, are far from Christ! For many, the day of His return will be a shock.
We long for revival, but if Christ came to our churches in power and glory, it would be a shocking surprise for many. As the text says, He will come as a refining fire and fuller's soap. Before we can share in the glory of God, we must be refined, and cleansed! God is looking for a Holy people, a Church without spot and wrinkle, and He will purify His Bride!
Revival brings with it the presence of God. Conviction, awful conviction, soul searching, and deep repentance must come before we can experience the times of refreshing that come from the presence of the Lord! Sadly, like Malachi said, "But who can endure the day of his coming?". The line is drawn in the sand so to speak. Many leave, they can not endure the presence of God. Those who yield to the working of the Holy Spirit find refreshing. They experience God in a new fresh way. Their lives are clean and pleasing to God once again. They walk in power and victory. They have an intimate fellowship with Jesus that they never knew before.
It takes a refining fire...
Malachi 3:1-4 ESV
The Israelites, God's chosen people longed for the appearing of the Messiah. They were warned by the Prophet Malachi however, that when He appeared, it would not be what they expected. They held many misconceptions about the Messiah. They desired His appearing, but in reality their hearts were far from God.
Many in the Church today long to see the return of Christ. They are sick of this world and want to get out of it. Many, like the people in Malchi's day, have hearts that in reality, are far from Christ! For many, the day of His return will be a shock.
We long for revival, but if Christ came to our churches in power and glory, it would be a shocking surprise for many. As the text says, He will come as a refining fire and fuller's soap. Before we can share in the glory of God, we must be refined, and cleansed! God is looking for a Holy people, a Church without spot and wrinkle, and He will purify His Bride!
Revival brings with it the presence of God. Conviction, awful conviction, soul searching, and deep repentance must come before we can experience the times of refreshing that come from the presence of the Lord! Sadly, like Malachi said, "But who can endure the day of his coming?". The line is drawn in the sand so to speak. Many leave, they can not endure the presence of God. Those who yield to the working of the Holy Spirit find refreshing. They experience God in a new fresh way. Their lives are clean and pleasing to God once again. They walk in power and victory. They have an intimate fellowship with Jesus that they never knew before.
It takes a refining fire...
Saturday, March 10, 2012
"This is Revival"
I read this quote, and thought that it was worth sharing. This is the kind of revival that we need today.
“This is revival! When men in the streets are afraid to open their mouths and utter godless words lest the judgment of God should fall; when sinners, overawed by the presence of God, tremble in the street and cry for mercy; when, without special meetings and sensational advertising the Holy Ghost sweeps across cities and towns in supernatural power and holds men in the grip of terrifying conviction; when every shop becomes a pulpit; every heart an altar; every home a sanctuary and people walk softly before God—this is revival.” —Quote from Rev. Owen Murphy (When God Stepped down from Heaven)
Walters, Kathie (2000-06-12). Bright and Shining Revival: An account of the Hebrides Revival 1948-52 (Kindle Locations 878-919). Good News Fellowship Ministries, Inc. Kindle Edition.
There have been recent activities called "revival" in churches today, that come no where near to this. You can drum up emotions and excitement, you can get all kind of signs and manifestations, but at the end of the day, if people are not returning to Christ in true repentance and faith, if no lives are transformed, was it revival?
“This is revival! When men in the streets are afraid to open their mouths and utter godless words lest the judgment of God should fall; when sinners, overawed by the presence of God, tremble in the street and cry for mercy; when, without special meetings and sensational advertising the Holy Ghost sweeps across cities and towns in supernatural power and holds men in the grip of terrifying conviction; when every shop becomes a pulpit; every heart an altar; every home a sanctuary and people walk softly before God—this is revival.” —Quote from Rev. Owen Murphy (When God Stepped down from Heaven)
Walters, Kathie (2000-06-12). Bright and Shining Revival: An account of the Hebrides Revival 1948-52 (Kindle Locations 878-919). Good News Fellowship Ministries, Inc. Kindle Edition.
There have been recent activities called "revival" in churches today, that come no where near to this. You can drum up emotions and excitement, you can get all kind of signs and manifestations, but at the end of the day, if people are not returning to Christ in true repentance and faith, if no lives are transformed, was it revival?
Friday, March 9, 2012
Entire Consecration.
Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies it bears much fruit. Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also.
John 12: 24-26 ESV
John 12: 24-26 ESV
Thursday, March 8, 2012
The open door.
"I know your works. Behold I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut. I know that you have but little power, and yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name."
Rev 3:8 (ESV).
When I read this verse, I am reminded of Joshua, when he was about to lead Israel into the promised land (Josh 1:1-9). God had given him the ground his feet walked on. He promised to go with him and give him victory. He promised to never leave him or forsake him.
All this depended upon the obedience of Joshua. He was to be strong and couragous, not turning aside from the word of God. You can see how this played out in the history of Israel. As they faithfully followed God, He was with them and prospered them. When they turned from Him in disobedience, trouble always came.
The Church in Philedelphia (Rev 3:7-13) had God's promise of an open door. God's favor was upon them. He was leading them in victory. Once again we see the importance of obedience. This Church was weak but yet strong. their strength was found in Christ, as they remained faithful to Him and His word. In a time of intense persecution they did not deny Him, they patiently endured. This Church was living in the love of God, and He was not going to forsake them.
The same can be true today. God desires His people to be faithful to Him and His word. He desires us to stand firm in spite of what arises against us. He promises to never leave or forsake us. He has great things in store for His church. He wants to lead us into a place of victory. He has promised an open door to those who obey Him.
Rev 3:8 (ESV).
When I read this verse, I am reminded of Joshua, when he was about to lead Israel into the promised land (Josh 1:1-9). God had given him the ground his feet walked on. He promised to go with him and give him victory. He promised to never leave him or forsake him.
All this depended upon the obedience of Joshua. He was to be strong and couragous, not turning aside from the word of God. You can see how this played out in the history of Israel. As they faithfully followed God, He was with them and prospered them. When they turned from Him in disobedience, trouble always came.
The Church in Philedelphia (Rev 3:7-13) had God's promise of an open door. God's favor was upon them. He was leading them in victory. Once again we see the importance of obedience. This Church was weak but yet strong. their strength was found in Christ, as they remained faithful to Him and His word. In a time of intense persecution they did not deny Him, they patiently endured. This Church was living in the love of God, and He was not going to forsake them.
The same can be true today. God desires His people to be faithful to Him and His word. He desires us to stand firm in spite of what arises against us. He promises to never leave or forsake us. He has great things in store for His church. He wants to lead us into a place of victory. He has promised an open door to those who obey Him.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
God is Holy.
By those who come near Me I will be treated as holy, and before all the people I will be honored.
Lev. 10:3 NASB
Before God will come and dwell among us, He must be treated as Holy. He must be treated with reverence and awe. We must come to an understanding of who he is, and who we are. What is needed is to stand in the fear of the Lord.
We do not enjoy being in the company of those who do not respect us. We would not invite someone back who ignored us when in our homes. Likewise how can we expect God to show up where he is not truly wanted?
Many want revival, they want to have God present, but they do not know what they ask.
God is a Holy God, awesome in presence and power. His presence is all consuming. It will either change us or drive us away.
We need the refining fire, we need a holy fear, come Lord Jesus, come.
Lev. 10:3 NASB
Before God will come and dwell among us, He must be treated as Holy. He must be treated with reverence and awe. We must come to an understanding of who he is, and who we are. What is needed is to stand in the fear of the Lord.
We do not enjoy being in the company of those who do not respect us. We would not invite someone back who ignored us when in our homes. Likewise how can we expect God to show up where he is not truly wanted?
Many want revival, they want to have God present, but they do not know what they ask.
God is a Holy God, awesome in presence and power. His presence is all consuming. It will either change us or drive us away.
We need the refining fire, we need a holy fear, come Lord Jesus, come.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
The tongue of fire.
Whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God.
1 Peter 4:11a esv.
What we need today, are individuals who will boldly proclaim the whole council of God. We need individuals today who will proclaim God's word under the annointing of the Holy Spirit. We need pastors and teachers who will speak as God directs them. We need pastors and teachers with clean hands and pure hearts, we need them to be prayed up, full of the Holy Ghost and fire. The Church does not need to hear sermons and teachings, the Church needs to hear God.
The old time holiness people spoke of the tongue of fire. This was the word delivered with power. Pastors and evangelists spoke with conviction. The fire fell, and people came under conviction. It was as if God himself was speaking. Their words cut like a sword and stuck into hearts. The Church was brought back to their first love, backsliders repented, sinners were saved, the presence of God was ushered in in a very real sense.
Peter spoke with the tongue of fire on the day of pentecost, and three thousand souls were brought into the kingdom. Men were cut to the heart, and said "What must we do?". Stephen spoke with a passion and power that few speak with today. Those who opposed him, could not contend with the Holy Spirit who was enabling him to teach the word of God. It cost him his life, he was completely consumed for God. He would not back down. This was how the gospel was spread in the days of the apostles. Paul lived in the annointing of the Holy Spirit, he preached with power, and saw results. This was how the early Church worked. they preached and taught, and evangelized in the power of the Holy Spirit. It was not the words of man, but of God that were proclaimed, and heard.
This same power was experienced by evangelists, and oastors and revivalists of more recent history. Edwards, and Brainard, Wesley, Whitfield, Finney, and a host of many others all spoke with an authority that few speak with today. Leonard Ravenhill, Smith Wigglesworth, David Wilkerson, all spoke with conviction. They delivered a message to the Church in a very prophetic sense.
We need the fire today, we need to hear God today. We need the Holy Spirit to come and convict. We need Him to edify and strengthen the Church, to build it up for the work He has called us to.
Pastors, sunday school teachers, evangelists, leaders, let God speak today.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Standing on holy ground.
But the Lord is in his holy temple; let all the earth keep silence before him.
Habbakkuk 2:20 esv
Let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire.
Hebrews 12:28,29 esv.
In reading accounts of past revivals, one thing I come across is the sense of God's presence in the midst of His people. People came to meet God. They came in expectation. They came with with a holy fear. They hungered for God, He was what they desired.
There was no small talk, no visiting with each other about the events of the week, they came to meet with God.
It is said that the area a few blocks away from the Azusa street mission was permeated with the presence of God. People could feel it. Some would come under conviction, some were drawn to the services. People considered that they were standing on holy ground, when they entered the mission. Not that the building was holy in and of itself, but God was there in a very real and tangible way.
Why is it that so often we come to church and act like we are
going to a social event, instead of coming to meet with the holy God? Is it because His presence is not there among us? Is it because we have no real fear of the Lord? Is it because we are really not expecting or desiring to meet with Him?
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. This is where it all starts, the foundation. God help us to have a holy fear, to reverence Him, and treat Him as holy, to come expecting.
Habbakkuk 2:20 esv
Let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire.
Hebrews 12:28,29 esv.
In reading accounts of past revivals, one thing I come across is the sense of God's presence in the midst of His people. People came to meet God. They came in expectation. They came with with a holy fear. They hungered for God, He was what they desired.
There was no small talk, no visiting with each other about the events of the week, they came to meet with God.
It is said that the area a few blocks away from the Azusa street mission was permeated with the presence of God. People could feel it. Some would come under conviction, some were drawn to the services. People considered that they were standing on holy ground, when they entered the mission. Not that the building was holy in and of itself, but God was there in a very real and tangible way.
Why is it that so often we come to church and act like we are
going to a social event, instead of coming to meet with the holy God? Is it because His presence is not there among us? Is it because we have no real fear of the Lord? Is it because we are really not expecting or desiring to meet with Him?
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. This is where it all starts, the foundation. God help us to have a holy fear, to reverence Him, and treat Him as holy, to come expecting.
Friday, February 24, 2012
The hungry.
Jesus said "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled". God is looking today for those who hunger and thirst after Him. He is looking to fill those who hunger after him with all their being. These are the ones who are consumed by thir desire for Him. Nothing else will satisfy. Like Paul, they do one thing, and one thing only, they press on to know Christ, forsaking all for Him.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Old Time Religion.
This is a link to another post from Contending for the faith. It gives a glimpse into what is on my heart.
This is a link to another post from Contending for the faith. It gives a glimpse into what is on my heart.
Has the law been lost?
King Josiah was a godly leader who began to purge the kingdom of Judah of idolatry. The temple of God had been neglected, and fallen into ruin. while it was being repaired, the book of the law was found, and read to the king. Through the word of God he was shown how odious the nation was in the eyes of God, and that they deserved the judgement of God (2Chron 34:8-21).
I fear we have lost the word ofGod as well today. We have lost the word in the church! Too many pastors and teachers have compromised the message. We have become seeker sensitive. We attract the lost into our churches, but we do not want to offend them, so we leave out sin and judgement. We do not mention hell because we don't want to scare anyone. We do not want them to feel left out, so there are no deep messages. Yet the writer of Hebrews tells us to leave the basics, and press on to maturity!
We need to return to the word of God. We need to study it, we need to meditate on it, it must be proclaimed in all of its truth from our pulpits, and we must live it. It was when Josiah heard the word, and acted upon it, that the kingdom of Judah experienced a revival
I fear we have lost the word ofGod as well today. We have lost the word in the church! Too many pastors and teachers have compromised the message. We have become seeker sensitive. We attract the lost into our churches, but we do not want to offend them, so we leave out sin and judgement. We do not mention hell because we don't want to scare anyone. We do not want them to feel left out, so there are no deep messages. Yet the writer of Hebrews tells us to leave the basics, and press on to maturity!
We need to return to the word of God. We need to study it, we need to meditate on it, it must be proclaimed in all of its truth from our pulpits, and we must live it. It was when Josiah heard the word, and acted upon it, that the kingdom of Judah experienced a revival
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Seek the Lord.
It is time to seek the Lord. Seek Him while He may be found, call on Him while He is near. Seek the Lord that you may live. If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face...
We need to seek God. Not for what he can do for us, but seek God for who he is.
We need to seek God. Not for what he can do for us, but seek God for who he is.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Prayer and expectation.
Revival will not come without prayer. God is looking for those who will seek Him, who will travail in prayer until the burden is lifted. Just like real birth pains and labor leads to the birth of a baby, revival is also birthed through much labor and pain in prayer. This is praying in the Holy Ghost, the Spirit praying through us with groanings to deep for words. It takes time and effort, it is strenuous. Few desire this kind of prayer life, it is too hard for the natural man. History proves that where this spirit of prayer is poured out, revival comes in power. Azusa Street, The welsh revival, and the Hebredes revival were all birthed through this kind of prayer. This is the praying that preceded, and accompanied the ministry of Charles Finney.
We need to pray...
We need to pray...
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Stopping at the brink.
Here is a post I shared a while back on my Contending for the faith site.
Dr. Brown on revival! Read this link to an excellent article on revival, and be challenged!
If you abide in Me.
The other day I stayed late at work. Most everyone else had left including the maintenance guys. I went over to a coper to cope some rails, and turned it on. All I got was a hum, nothing else. The motor would not turn. I shut it off and tried again with the same result. Without a maintenance guy, there was nothing I could do about it. I went back to work trying to do without the coper. All of a sudden I thought to check the plug. It runs on 220 so I went to check it out. It was only plugged in half way. I plugged it in and turned it on and it worked perfectly!
Many Christians are like that half plugged in coper. They are connected to Jesus, but they do not abide in Him. He said "If you abide in me, and my word abides in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you". The text goes on to show that God desires us to bear fruit for His glory, and that it is impossible to do so without abiding in Christ. We witness and work, and pray, until we are tired out with little or no results. We get discouraged and give up, blaming it on a host of things, without stopping to see if the problem might originate with us!
We need the fulness of the Holy Spirit. The mighty baptism of power that is available to all who will take it by faith. It means a full surrender of ourselves, a complete devotion of our all to the cause of Christ. It is a full and complete abiding in Christ. It means that we hold His word dear, and allow it to mold our lives. If we would truly delight ourselves in Christ, truly abide in Him, and allow His word to form itself in us, I believe that our prayer life will be transformed. Our requests will change, our motives for asking will change. We will see answers to prayer. Our labor for Him will take on new meaning and will be done in new found strength.
O how we need to be plugged in to the only true source of spiritual life. We must abide in Him. Apart from Him we can do nothing!
Many Christians are like that half plugged in coper. They are connected to Jesus, but they do not abide in Him. He said "If you abide in me, and my word abides in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you". The text goes on to show that God desires us to bear fruit for His glory, and that it is impossible to do so without abiding in Christ. We witness and work, and pray, until we are tired out with little or no results. We get discouraged and give up, blaming it on a host of things, without stopping to see if the problem might originate with us!
We need the fulness of the Holy Spirit. The mighty baptism of power that is available to all who will take it by faith. It means a full surrender of ourselves, a complete devotion of our all to the cause of Christ. It is a full and complete abiding in Christ. It means that we hold His word dear, and allow it to mold our lives. If we would truly delight ourselves in Christ, truly abide in Him, and allow His word to form itself in us, I believe that our prayer life will be transformed. Our requests will change, our motives for asking will change. We will see answers to prayer. Our labor for Him will take on new meaning and will be done in new found strength.
O how we need to be plugged in to the only true source of spiritual life. We must abide in Him. Apart from Him we can do nothing!
My prayer.
Revive thy work in the midst of the years. In your wrath, remember mercy. Revive us O Lord, so that we may rejoice in you!
Behold I stand at the door...
"Behold I stand at the door and knock." These are the words of Jesus to the Church: self sufficient, comfortable, and soft. He is on the oustside, longing to come in and fellowship with His bride once again. He says "If anyone hears My voice, and will open the door, I will come in."
Down through the ages His voice has been heard amidst the deadness and compromise that has plagued the Church. Men like Luther, Whitfield, Wesley, Finney, Moody, Parham, Seymour, Evan Roberts, Duncan Campbell, Wigglesworth, Lake, and a multitude of others, have heard the knock at the door, gone to the door and opened it.
Jesus is knocking today. He longs to come back into the Church. His presence is sorely needed today. Do you Hear the knock? Can you hear His voice calling you? Will you open the door for Him?
Down through the ages His voice has been heard amidst the deadness and compromise that has plagued the Church. Men like Luther, Whitfield, Wesley, Finney, Moody, Parham, Seymour, Evan Roberts, Duncan Campbell, Wigglesworth, Lake, and a multitude of others, have heard the knock at the door, gone to the door and opened it.
Jesus is knocking today. He longs to come back into the Church. His presence is sorely needed today. Do you Hear the knock? Can you hear His voice calling you? Will you open the door for Him?