
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Taking that Step of Faith.

     I find the story of Joshua leading the Israelites across the Jordan (see Joshua 3) very challenging to my faith. In fact it takes me right out of my comfort zone. This is a good thing, as it is not good to get comfortable in our christian walk.
     Joshua is leading the next generation of Israelites into the promised land, after forty years of wandering, and the death of Moses. One obstacle stood in their way. The Jordan river was at flood stage during this time of year. for all practical purposes it was impassible. Perhaps a strong swimmer could get across, but not a multitude including women and children. It would take a miracle.
     Joshua instructs the Priests to take the ark of the covenant, and go before the people, with a distance separating them. As the Priests stepped into the water, God would part the river, and the nation would cross over into the promised land. Sounds great, we read of miracles in the bible and have no problem believing them, right?
     How would you like to be the first Priest to step into the river? remember the river is flooded. If the waters do not part, you will fall in, pulling the other Priests in with you, ark and all. If you do not drown, you will probobly be struck dead trying to grab onto the ark as you are being swept downstream.
      It would be so much easier to stand on the dry ground waiting for God to part the water, but that is not always how it works. Faith demands that we take God at His word whether it makes sense or not. It demands that we take the plunge so to speak, all or nothing. God often brings us to places where we have to live by bare faith. Places where we have to obey regardless of the consequences, places where we have to step out in spite of what the circumstances are, places where we have to go completely against what common sense dictates. Peter could not walk on water sitting in the boat, and we cannot walk into God's calling on our lives while remaining safely in our comfort zones.
     God was true to His word. As the Priests bearing the ark, stepped into the water, it stood in a heap, allowing safe passage across. Easy to believe because it is a bible story, and it happened so long ago, but is it easy to step in all the way when God calls?
     That is what makes faith, faith. It is that bold determined willingness to go all the way with Christ, no matter what. Our actions are the proof of our belief!


Sunday, February 10, 2013

I Need to Be Filled

1. I need to be filled with the spirit, each moment of every day, I need to be filled in the morning, ere starting upon my way.

2. I need to be filled for the home life, I need it for work outside, I need it alone in God's presence, that I may in Him abide.

3. I need to be filled with the Spirit, to hear or to read His word, I need to be filled when by speaking, I witness for Christ my Lord.

4. I need it, and oh, I may have it, for by His enabling power, the Spirit whom He has once given, can fill me this very hour.


I need to be filled, Lord Jesus, I need to be filled each day;
I need to be filled with the spirit, each moment along life's way.

Ada R Habershon
Robert Harkness
copyright 1910 by C.M. Alexander. Hope Publishing Co.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Return to your first love.

     Many couples begin their married life passionately devoted to one another. The things that they do for each other are motiviated by love. Their main concern is to do what is best for their spouse, to do those things that will make their spouse happy. All this flowing out of deep, passionate, love, taking no thought of self.
     Years later, many couples are still doing many of the same things. They still provide for each other, still do things together, but something has changed. The passion is gone, habit and routine have replaced love as the motivating factor. One or both of the marriage partners are living for themselves. On the surface things may still look fine, but under the surface things are beginning to decay.

     This is the same with our relationship with Jesus Christ.

     I know your deeds and your toil and perseverance, and that you cannot tolerate evil men, and you put to the test those who call themselves apostles, and they are not, and you found them to be false; and you have perseverance and have endured for My name's sake, and have not grown weary.
     Revelation 2:2,3 (NASB)

     Look at all the things this group of believers were doing! They did far more than many christians do today! They endured through all forms of trial and testing. No doubt they suffered persecution for their faith. They did not allow false teaching, they tested apostles and had nothing to do with evil men, things that the church today has largely forsaken! This group was doing all the right things, things that anyone who loved Christ would do.
     Read on and see what Jesus thought of all this.

     But I have this against you, that you have left your first love (vs 4).

     It seems that habit had replaced love. They were doing the right things. They were patiently enduring, they were weeding out the false teachers, carefully guarding the truth, standing firm without growing weary, all for the name of Christ. However, the fire had gone out. Love was gone, replaced by the routine of doing the things that christians are supposed to do.
     Christ is not so impressed by the deed, but looks at the motivation of the heart. Deeds done without love, are just filthy in His eyes as any other sinful act! True love for God will always produce the deeds that please Him.
     What was Christ's instruction to this church?

     Therefore remember from where you have fallen, and repent and do the deeds you did at first; or else I am coming to you and will remove your lampstand out of its place- unless you repent (vs 5).

     Jesus called on them to look back at how it was at first. They were to recall the passion, the love for Him that once motivated them to great things done for His name. They were to have a complete change of mind and heart. they needed to return to the way it used to be. Love must once again become the mainspring of all their action.
     It is no different today. Many christians stiil do the things they have always done. They still hold to a moral standard of living. They at one time loved Christ with a passion, but now it is a hollow empty life of service done for other reasons. The answer? Remember the way it used to be, the love, the passion, the devotion, and repent. Come before God with a sorrowful heart, find His grace, and let Him light the fire in your heart once again. Love Him again, like at the first, when you would do anything for Him no matter how big or small, easy or difficult, because you loved Him, the one who gave Himself for you.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

My people.

     If I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send a pestilence among My people,
     and my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
     2 Chronicles 7:13,14 (NASB)

     Many people today apply verse 14 to America. They believe that if the American people as a whole would somehow fall on their knees before God and seek Him in repentance, America would somehow be restored and spared judgement.
     It is true, God would hear, would forgive, and judgement could be averted. However, this idea is taken out of the context of these verses. These two verses are God's response to the nation of Israel at the dedication of Solomon's temple. This is God's word to Israel, His chosen people, the people called by His name. The promise is this; if the nation of Israel, God's chosen people, turned away from God, and if He brought judgement against them, if they would repent and seek Him once again, He would hear, forgive, and heal. Jugement would end, they would be restored, and live under God's blessing once again.
     This priniple can be applied to God's chosen people today. God is no respector of persons. He has no favorite people or nations. America is not God's chosen people. All who have given their lives to Him by faith in Jesus Christ are the chosen people of God.
     We will never see America, or any other nation for that matter, one day just hitting their knees and seeking God all on their own. Judgement begins in the house of God (1 Peter 4:17,18). The church, the called and chosen people of God, needs to be in close abiding fellowship with Him. This promise applies to a backslidden church. If My people, those who have been redeemed by God, those who are called by His name, if they will humble themselves and pray, and seek the face of God with repentant hearts, then God will hear them, forgive them, heal them, empower them. It is then and only then, that they can be used effectively to reach the nations for Jesus Christ.
     A revival must come to God's chosen people first, before it spreads to the world around them!