
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Taking that Step of Faith.

     I find the story of Joshua leading the Israelites across the Jordan (see Joshua 3) very challenging to my faith. In fact it takes me right out of my comfort zone. This is a good thing, as it is not good to get comfortable in our christian walk.
     Joshua is leading the next generation of Israelites into the promised land, after forty years of wandering, and the death of Moses. One obstacle stood in their way. The Jordan river was at flood stage during this time of year. for all practical purposes it was impassible. Perhaps a strong swimmer could get across, but not a multitude including women and children. It would take a miracle.
     Joshua instructs the Priests to take the ark of the covenant, and go before the people, with a distance separating them. As the Priests stepped into the water, God would part the river, and the nation would cross over into the promised land. Sounds great, we read of miracles in the bible and have no problem believing them, right?
     How would you like to be the first Priest to step into the river? remember the river is flooded. If the waters do not part, you will fall in, pulling the other Priests in with you, ark and all. If you do not drown, you will probobly be struck dead trying to grab onto the ark as you are being swept downstream.
      It would be so much easier to stand on the dry ground waiting for God to part the water, but that is not always how it works. Faith demands that we take God at His word whether it makes sense or not. It demands that we take the plunge so to speak, all or nothing. God often brings us to places where we have to live by bare faith. Places where we have to obey regardless of the consequences, places where we have to step out in spite of what the circumstances are, places where we have to go completely against what common sense dictates. Peter could not walk on water sitting in the boat, and we cannot walk into God's calling on our lives while remaining safely in our comfort zones.
     God was true to His word. As the Priests bearing the ark, stepped into the water, it stood in a heap, allowing safe passage across. Easy to believe because it is a bible story, and it happened so long ago, but is it easy to step in all the way when God calls?
     That is what makes faith, faith. It is that bold determined willingness to go all the way with Christ, no matter what. Our actions are the proof of our belief!


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