
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Appalled At Sin.

     Then everyone who trembled at the words of the  God of Israel on account of the unfaithfulness of the exiles gathered to me, and I sat appalled until the evening offering.
                                                                 Ezra 9:4 NASB

     The Lord said to him, "Go through the midst of the city, even through the midst of Jerusalem, and put a mark on the foreheads of the men who sigh and groan over all the abominations that are being commited in its midst."
                                              Ezekiel 9:4 NASB

     Throughout the history of the people of God, there have been times of sin and backsliding. In the days of Ezra, the people who returned from the Babylonian exile were quick to intermarry with the foreign people inhabiting the land. The danger was great. This was a step that would lead to idolatry, as the religious practices of these foreigners would be adopted by God's chosen people. These exiles had spent seventy years in captivity due to God's judgement against the idolatry and sin that they allowed to exist in their midst. Now they were playing with fire once again.
     The priests and religious leaders in the day of Ezekiel were a corrupt and idolatrous people. They worshipped God as a pretense, but in reality the worshipped the false gods of the nations around them. They were even so bold as to set up idols in the temple itself, believing that what they did was done in secret. Judgement begins in the house of God, and judgement was coming.
     It seems that God always has a few individuals who know what it is to walk in the fear of the Lord. there are always those who grieve over the sin that they see in the house of God, those who mourn over the lukewarmness of God's chosen people, those who sit appalled at the sin and compromise found in the church in all generations.
     Ezra mourned over the intermarriages occuring among the Israelites. He was appalled at their blatant disregard for God's command to remain separated from the people of the land. As he sat in silence, others who feared God, and trembled at his word, gathered to him. Ezra offered a heartfelt prayer of confession, weeping before God. As he prayed, God began to move. The people broke down and wept. You could say a revival occured. The people repented of their sin to the point of putting their foreign wives away, thus avoiding God's judgement.
     There are those today as well who mourn over the sin and compromise among God's people. They understand that God is a holy God, and will judge sin among His people first. They, like Ezra, cry out to God for a fresh move of the Holy Spirit. A move bringing conviction and a heartfelt repentance. They desire to see God glorified in His people once again. They cry out for revival.
     Are you one of those who tremble at the words of God? Are you appalled at sin among the people of God, or do you give hearty approval to those who sin (Romans 1:32)? Will God use you to bring revival?

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