
Friday, April 4, 2014

What's Worth Living For?

                 Only one life will soon be past
            only what's done for Christ will last.

     This life will soon be over. The years go by faster than we care them to. We spend the years cramming as much as we can into life, and then it is gone forever. In eternity, one hundred years is as a vapor, if we are blessed to live that long, and then we stand before God.
     What will it really matter then? What will all of our accomplishments matter? What will it matter then  how much money we made? What will all of our hobbies and pursuits matter? What about all of the entertainment we now enjoy? All the time spent in front of a screen will not matter in God's eyes. All the leisure time, all the money spent to pamper ourselves, will not matter.
     Only what we have done in this life for Jesus Christ, will count on the day we stand before Him!
The time spent in prayer for the lost, the time spent witnessing for Him, the time spent in fellowship with Him, these are the things that matter now! Do we live for Him? Do we really love Him? Do our lives show it? Do we obey His commands, or live in disobedience?
     If most of us would be honest with ourselves we would probably find that most of what we do is done for ourselves with little or no regard for God. We would find that we are to a large degree self seeking. None of that will stand on that day when we stand before God. All that we do, even that which is not wrong in and of itself, for any reason other than for God and His glory, is done with wrong motives. If we would take this seriously, we would find that our lives would be simplified greatly, and our walk with Christ would be renewed.
     May God help us to turn around and begin to live for Him, and Him alone. May He get a hold of our hearts so that we will seek first His kingdom and righteousness. May God have mercy on us.

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