
Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Active Prayer.

     There are those who spend their lives praying for lost loved ones, revival, their neighbors, etc. but never do anything about it. They don't witness, they won't give a testimony of God's grace in a church service, they never think to confront a sinning brother in a spirit of love. They believe all that they need to do is to pray, and God will take care of it.
     There are also those who plunge into these things, but never pray. They are always busy doing good things, but have no anointing of God on their efforts. They also see little if any results.
    Jesus told the seventy to pray that the Lord of the harvest would send workers. He then sends them! (Luke 10:2-3). James tells us that true faith will produce works. What good is it to bless a needy person with good intentions when we have the ability to help them? (James 2:15-17). Likewise, how can we expect God to answer our prayers for loved ones when we have no intention to go to them ourselves?
     The truth is we must pray and seek God for His presence and power in our lives. We must be willing to go where He sends us, and to do what He calls us to do, bathing it all in prayer. We go in the strength that He provides.
     Who knows, Maybe you are the answer to your prayers for the lost, for the needy, for revival in your church or community?

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