
Thursday, March 12, 2015

Modern False Prophets.

     Jeremiah 23:9-22

     We have a strong word from the Lord in this portion of scripture. Just as false prophets in the days of Jeremiah were perverting the word of God and leading the people astray, so also today, we see many of our modern pastors, teachers, and spiritual leaders leading people astray in the same way.

     Also among the prophets of Jerusalem I have seen a horrible thing:
     The committing of adultery and walking in falsehood;
     And they strengthen the hands of evildoers, so that no one has turned back from his wickedness.
     All of them have become to Me like Sodom, and her inhabitants like Gomorrah.
                               Jeremiah 23:14 NASB

     In the days of Judah's backsliding, God sent prophets to warn of the  impending judgment that was sure to come upon the nation. As we read in these verses, the prophets and priests were walking in sin, and teaching others to do so as well. They were, by their deceptive teaching, encouraging others to persist in all of their evil doings. They were calling good evil, and evil good (Isaiah 5:20), in the same fashion we see today, where so many of the modern teachers have changed the biblical definition of what constitutes sin, or the punishment of it.
     As Jeremiah, and others sent by God, proclaimed God's impending judgment, these false prophets pronounced peace and safety, in spite of the fact that the nation was walking in stubborn rebellion against God and His commands (Jeremiah 23:17).
     Notice that God says He did not send these lying prophets. He did not send them or speak to them, but they ran and prophesied on their own (Jeremiah 23:21).

     But if they had stood in My council, then they would have announced My words to My people, and would have turned them back from their evil way and from the evil of their deeds.
                                  Jeremiah 23:22 NASB

     It is no different today. If you desire to recognize and know a false prophet or teacher, we have these traits by which we can spot them.
     1. A false prophet does not hear from God. They run on with their own words, speaking things from out of their own imaginations (Jeremiah 23:16). So many of our modern spiritual leaders are full of deception. They malign the truth, despise God, and lead people astray with their lies. When you hear a teacher redefining sin, when things that are clearly set forth in scripture as sin, are now being tolerated, and even called good, you can be sure that the one teaching these errors, is a false prophet. Men love darkness, and a false teacher will invent teachings to keep men in that darkness. The word of God given to us is our standard. Whenever you hear someone deviating from it, beware. Watch out for many of our "modern translations" as well. Crafty men have changed much of what God intends for us to know in versions such as the Mirror bible, which was written by a universalist to promote universalism. Just like the Jehovah's Witnesses, modern false prophets will change the scriptures to line up with their teachings.
     2. False teachers reject the idea of judgment. Look at the teachers in Jeremiah's time. They assured the nation that there would be peace and safety instead of judgment. Judah was plunged into idolatry, and all of the sinful behavior that flows out of a heart that turns from God, yet these leaders rejected the word of the Lord, and fed the nation a lie. We see this today as well, as many propagate a soft watered down, seeker version of the gospel that somehow allows one to avoid any wrath or punishment for sin, but allows one to remain in that sin. God is very clear in warning us to not be deceived by empty words. His wrath will come upon disobedience. The immoral and covetous individual will not inherit the kingdom of God (Ephesians 5:5-6). False teachers today will tell you that you can live unrepentant lives full of sin, yet still go to heaven. They explain away, or ignore all of the warnings in scripture that speak to the contrary. Watch out for a message that promises you peace and safety without repentance. A gospel that does not change your heart and actions is no gospel at all.
     3. False teachers do not attempt to turn people away from their sin. As we read, if these prophets had stood in the council of the Lord, they would have turned the people back from their evil ways and deeds (Jeremiah 23:22). Once again, a false prophet will comfort and encourage you in your sin. They have no desire to preach against sin, or to call people to forsake their evil ways. They seek to avoid all controversy, and instead tolerate and condone all manner of wicked behavior. If they point out sin, they will lose numbers and money. Look at the mega churches that fill the land today. They are filled with all manner of people who are living in all manner of sin. These people are being lied to Sunday after Sunday, as they are comforted and encouraged that their lifestyles are okay in God's eyes. No need to repent, no need to feel guilty about sin, because God loves you just as you are. The truth is that God loves you enough that He warns you of sin and its consequences. He loves you enough to have sent Jesus to die for you, so that you may return to Him in repentance and faith, and be saved. He loves you enough to not leave you in your sin, but to change you if you will let Him.

     Jesus tells us to beware of false prophets who will come in sheep's clothing, but inside they are ravenous wolves (Matt 7:15-16). They look like pastors and teachers, they are leaders in churches. They wear nice suits and draw large crowds with their uplifting messages, But where is the fruit? Something is terribly wrong when people are dying in their sins day after day and these hypocrites are tolerating sin, and encouraging people to persist in their sin. Something is wrong when things that have been declared as sinful behavior, and accepted as such for thousands of years, are now called lifestyles. Woe to those who drag iniquity with cords of falsehood, and sin as if with cart ropes (Isaiah 5:18 NASB). They call evil good, and good evil, and substitute darkness for light, and light for darkness. They are wise in their own eyes, and clever in their own sight (Isaiah 5:20-21).
     The world is full of false prophets who desire to lead you away from the true gospel, and from true faith in God. Jesus tells us that we will know them by their fruits. Be on guard and test everything by the word of God, for only in Him can we safely abide.

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