
Sunday, April 19, 2015

Are We In Evacuation Mode?

     It seems that a great majority of the professing Church is in evacuation mode. We see evil abounding around us. No one can truly deny that we are now seeing things in our lifetime that would have seemed unlikely, even impossible just a few generations ago. It is true, sin is running rampant in this world, and everything seems to be spiraling out of control. Righteousness is indeed under attack, the very foundations are being destroyed. What are the righteous to do (Psalm 11:3)?
     Sadly it seems that many are simply waiting to be evacuated. Like a besieged army waiting to get out of a hopeless situation, we seem to anxiously look around us at the dismal conditions, and then "rest" in the hope that we will be raptured out of all of this misery, before it gets too far out of control.
     I fear that many will find themselves numbered with the "Foolish Virgins" (Matt 25:1-13). Their lamps have gone out, and they have no oil. Many will be identified with the servant who buried the one talent he was entrusted with (Matt 25:14-30).
     Jesus warns us to be alert, and He also warns us to be about His business until He comes (Mark 13:33-37). We dare not be found asleep at His return, yet I fear that many will be. Jesus Himself asks the question, "However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth (Luke 18:8)?"
     The truth is, we are in a spiritual battle for the souls of men. We are to be active in the service of our Lord Jesus Christ. We dare not stand looking into the sky (Acts 1:9-11), waiting for our evacuation, while there is still work to be done. Jesus never promised us that it would be easy. In fact, He promises us persecution, if we will be faithful to His call (Matt 5:10-12; 2 Tim 3:12).  
     As we see the evil growing around us, we must boldly stand for the truth, and be faithful unto Christ, no matter the cost. Then when Jesus returns, we will be among those who are found faithful.

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