
Monday, December 7, 2015

Dead to the World.

     But may it never be that I would boast, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.
                                                             Galatians 6:14 NASB

     The cross of Christ is a barrier between the believer and the world. By it, the disciple has died to this world; he has forsaken it for the kingdom of God. And by the cross, this world has lost its attraction for the child of God. His mind is set upon heavenly things, and his life is hidden with Christ in God (Col 3:1-3).
     In scripture we are warned that to have friendship with the world is to be an enemy of God (James 4:4). Those who love the world cannot love God (1 John 2:15-17). Even though we see such plain warnings in the world of God, we often tend to overlook them. We speak of "worldly" Christians, but the plain teaching of scripture is that we as Christians are to come out of the world and be separate from it. In reality there is no such thing as a worldly Christian, for the Christian is not of this world according to Jesus Christ (John 15:19, 17:14-16).
      Once again, the answer is found in the cross of Christ. This is the means by which we die to the world and all of its attractions. The Apostle Paul states that He is "Crucified with Christ" (Gal 2:20). Dead men have no plans or agendas. A man on the cross could do nothing. His life was over. He had no more purpose in this world but to die. Likewise, as we come to the cross in total surrender to the claims and Lordship of Jesus Christ, we lay down absolutely everything. all of our hopes and dreams, plans and purposes, all we hold dear, we forsake it all, and pick up the cross by which we must die (Mark 9:34-34).
     This is the standard for all who profess to follow Christ,
          Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 
                                                            Galatians 5:24 NASB


  1. Your post is really interesting! And I partially agree with it. However, our world is created by God, so why is that an obstacle to be with God if we love His creation? God told us that we have to love other person like we love ourselves. We are God's creations just like a whole world. Does that mean that we have to love just other people and do not love world? I cannot understand. I will also ask this question to my writer at, maybe he will know.

  2. This is speaking about separation from the selfish ways of this world, not enjoying creation, or loving other people. John writes about the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life. this is what we as Christians are to avoid. If we "love the world" we cannot love God because His principles stand in stark contrast to the principles that govern this world. Jesus said we cannot serve two masters. Loving the world then would mean that we are still living for ourselves, our enjoyment and pleasures, rather than living for Christ. To follow Christ as presented in the New Testament means we will love God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength, and we will love our neighbor as ourself. That is what love is, and that is what God requires of us, to love. Friendship with the world on the other hand means that we are living selfishly, for our own pleasure and desires, at the expense of God and others. this is not love, it is the exact opposite of what following Jesus means. As Christians we are not to be conformed the world's ways of doing things. We dare not compromise or reject Biblical truth for the world's ways. This is only a temporary place where we dwell. Ultimately we will live for eternity with Christ, so the Christian understands that he or she is living here now as a "stanger" so to speak, as citizens of the kingdom of God.

    1. I also do believe that eternity in the kingdom of God is awaiting for all who deserve it! However, I really do not understand why there is something bad in enjoying this short and not too comfortable journey. I mean, finding a pleasure in children's smile and beholding their achievements, listening to good music that can make me smile, enjoying a love of my husband, enjoying a process of work that I do every day,etc. Of course, there are a lot of obstacles in every day life. However, sometimes, even if I do something not too pleasant in order to help my friend, I also find a pleasure in doing that! Do you understand what I mean?

  3. The Christian can find pleasure in the smile of a child, and in a loving marriage. God does not mean for us to have no enjoyment in life. Loving the world, friendship with the world, etc, means that the world has our heart and not God. The things God detests are things such as materialism, covetousness, living selfishly, making our own happiness and well being the main purpose of our lives. If we forasake all for Christ and truly follow Him, we will find that we truly enjoy the things that really matter in this life. As true disciples we will be better parents and spouses. Our true happiness is found in the giving of ourselves to serve Christ, and to loving others. Love is the sacrificial giving of ourselves to meet the needs of others, so to do something unpleasant for the sake of a friend will bring pleasure. God has designed it this way. A

    1. I see. I think that I understand what you mean! In such a case I do agree with your article. Your blog is a nice place to visit! Thank you for your attention and nice responses!
