
Sunday, March 3, 2013

Achan's Sin.

     The sin of one man caused a whole nation to suffer defeat at the hand of the inhabitants of Ai (see Joshua 7).  Achan took some of the plunder taken at Jericho, and hid it under his tent. He did this in secret. Nobody else knew, not even Joshua.
     God knew, and held the whole nation responsible (verse 11). Because of this, He witheld His favor from them, and allowed them to be defeated (verse 12)! Until Joshua searched out this matter and dealt with it, God would not go with them any longer.
     Likewise, God, through Peter, dealt with Annanias and Sapphira in the early church ( Acts chapter 5), and Paul rebuked the church at Corinth for tolerating, and failing to deal with a member living in open immorality (1 Corinthians 5). Jesus rebuked the church at Thyatira for tolerating a false teacher who led others into sin (Revelation 2:18-29). There were consequences to the sins of a few individuals, that threatened to effect the whole congregation.
     Is it any wonder that there is such a great lack of spiritual power, and the presence of God in the midst of His people today? We live in an age where there is much tolerance of evil, where no one wants to confront someone who is living in gross sin, open rebellion, yet coming together with other believers as if nothing was wrong! You might say "It is none of my buisness what someone else does" but like the army of Israel at the battle of Ai, it affects you in an adverse way! Until sin is dealt with through confession and repentance, the presence and power of God cannot be restored.
     It is time to grieve over the state of things among God's people. It is time to fall on our knees seeking His presence, time to cry out to Him to restore and revive His church, to rise up in the purity and power that come from His presence, secured by His blood, washed over a humble and repentant body of believers ready to stand strong for Him!

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