
Monday, June 16, 2014

Living For The Glory Of God.

     What would our lives look like if we took the admonition to do all for the glory of God (1 Cor 10:31), literally?
      I believe that most of us would find that our lives would become much simpler. We would find ourselves eliminating much of what clutters our time, much of what stresses us out, and the things that waste our time.
     Our lives would be lived with purpose. We would be better employees, better spouses, better parents, better children.
     Our lives would reflect Christ to the world around us. We would have a powerful witness. The concerns of Christ and His kingdom would be our utmost priority. We would be consumed, poured out like the Apostle Paul, in the service of Christ, instead of being consumed in the pursuits of everyday life.
     We are worn out, burned out, stressed out, as we live our lives for the temporal things that do not truly matter. We need a change of purpose, we need to live for Christ alone.

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