
Friday, July 4, 2014

Consecrated To The Calling.

     I believe the full gospel! I believe in the pentecostal outpouring of the Holy Spirit, with signs following. I am in no way a cessationist. I believe that the baptism of the Holy Spirit is for today. I believe that the New Testament gifts of the Holy Spirit are for us today as well. Jesus Christ is the same Jesus today. We need the presence and power of God in our lives today, just as the early Church needed it two thousand years ago.
      It was the Holy Spirit who gave witness to the resurrected Christ in power through the Apostles and early Christians, with signs and wonders. He anointed the words of the early witnesses, bringing conviction to those who heard. The gospel was spread in the power of the Holy Spirit then, and nothing has changed now either.
     The great evangelists of former times believed that they were powerless without the Holy Spirit's fullness in their lives. Charles Finney preached, and wrote extensively on the subject of the Holy Spirit, and the utter necessity of His power to convert sinners. John wesley preached in the power of the Spirt, as did Jonathan Edwards, and many others. These men believed that they had to have the Spirit's presence and power to successfully carry out the great commission. 
     The thing that strikes me is this. These men believed in persevering prayer for this blessing. They believed in a full consecration of oneself to Christ and the spreading of the gospel (Mark 8:35). They sought for the presence of the Holy Spirit. They emptied themselves of everything. They committed themselves to the work of saving sinners. They were entirely dependent upon God to enable them to do this work. They confessed sin, renounced anything that stood in the way of more of Christ in their lives. They were filled, and preached with a power that few have since preached with. 
     We are so weak today! Even those of us who call ourselves pentecostal! We claim to be Spirit filled, we speak in tongues, discern spirits, prophesy, and walk in the gifts. Don't get me wrong. I am not a cessationist. I believe that the spiritual gifts are still valid today (1 Cor 12:4-11). What is lacking is the power in the pulpits. The power in personal one on one witnessing. We see little results. Do we depend too much on ourselves and not enough on God? Many people seek the baptism in the Holy Spirit, but remain empty. We are told to just ask in faith. I agree, we receive the Spirit by faith (Gal 3:2, Luke 11:13). However we tend to forget why we need the Holy Spirit. We too often forget the great commission. We are not fully surrendered to the Lordship of Christ. We are not committed to the salvation of souls as our chief work for Christ on this earth. I understand we have different callings and vocations while on this earth, but our chief aim is the glory of God regardless of what we do. 
     The strange thing is this. The mighty men of the last few centuries believed in the baptism of the Holy Spirit. They claimed it and preached in it's power. Multitudes were saved and set free from sin. Years later the majority of them were still saved and serving Jesus Christ. These ministers and evangelists said nothing of tongues. They had power though! 
     I believe in tongues, but I fear that the modern pentecostal view may have shifted from the presence and power of the abiding Holy Spirit to change the lives of men, to something that excites us on Sunday morning! This sounds harsh, steps on toes, maybe offends some of you. I don't wish to offend, but to challenge us all to rise up to the high calling of Christ to spread the gospel into the whole world (Matthew 28:18-20), with the power of the Holy Spirit working in and through us to the glory of God. 
     Examine yourself! Are you empty or full? Are you committed to Christ and the spreading of His kingdom? Is it your life's work? Are you willing to give up all for the gift of the Holy Spirit? You are nothing without it. The world goes lost without your witness. God is calling you to greater things.

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