Thursday, April 30, 2015

The Example of Sodom.

      Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire (Jude 1:7 KJV).

     We read in the Bible that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed for their extreme wickedness. This is God's view of the inhabitants of these wicked cities.

     But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly (Genesis 13:13 KJV).

     As the above text states, these cities are set forth as an example to us, a warning, lest we too fall into the gross, sinful lifestyle, that marked the inhabitants of these cities. Their destruction is a warning to future generations, that God detests sin, and will bring judgment upon those who persist in sinning. This is something that we do not like to mention now days, but it would serve us well to realize that Jude's warning comes to us in this age of grace that we now live in. The Apostle Paul is in agreement with this as well. The Old Testament failings of Israel, and the ensuing judgment that overtook them, were written down as examples to us, New Testament believers, so that we would not fall into the same lustful actions, idolatrous worship, and immorality, as they did (1 Corinthians 10:1-11).
     It is important that we take a look at Sodom and Gomorrah, so that we may see what sin they were guilty of. There are several passages of scripture that shed light on this important subject.

     Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fullness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.
     And they were haughty, and committed abomination before me: therefore I took them away as I saw good (Ezekiel 16:49-50 KJV).

     Here we have a list of sins that are very grievous to God (Genesis 17:20).
     1. Pride
     2. Over Abundance (luxury)
     3. Idleness
     4. Selfishness

     This could just as easily describe the conditions in America today, both inside the "professing" Church, and outside of it.
     Anyone who takes an honest look at the moral conditions that run rampant today, must agree that in our foolish pride, we have cast off all moral restraint. The authority of God has been rejected. Man has explained away the scriptures, and has determined that he, himself, will define morality. Cultural relevance is now the new standard, as the word of God has been determined to be outdated, and irrelevant. Man in his pride has taken the throne that rightfully belongs to God. We live in a society, where it is all about me, and everyone is doing that which seems right in his own eyes (Judges 17:6; Proverbs 12:15).
     Look at the vast abundance of food available in this land. Having an abundant supply of food in and of itself is not sin. But once again, take an honest look around you. Look at the huge amount of "fast food," "junk food," soft drinks, and so forth, that are consumed in this country. It is no wonder that we see so many people suffering from heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, cancer, and obesity. All you can eat buffets are very popular, even with the "after church crowd", but when is the last time you have heard a really great sermon on gluttony?
     Paul taught "moderation". He would not be held in bondage to food or any other thing (1 Corinthians 6:12). We are to do all for the glory of God, even our eating and drinking (1 Corinthians 10:31), but are we really doing this? I fear that there are many who are enemies of the cross of Christ: whose end is destruction, whose god is their belly, and whose glory is their shame, who mind earthly things (Philippians 3:18-19 KJV).
     Pride and over abundance go hand in hand. Just like the Laodiceans, we believe that we are rich, and have increased in goods, and have need of nothing. Yet we are poor, wretched, miserable, and blind (Revelation 3:17). We might have an abundance of material things, but sadly, many in this nation are spiritually emaciated.
     We have an unprecedented abundance of idle time as well. Gone are the days when our children grew up with "chores", when they did small tasks at home for an allowance. These things were intended to teach responsibility, and to instill a good work ethic in our children. We have now seen several generations of young people grow up with video games, movies, social media, and a host of other technologies that have fostered laziness, and a craving to be "entertained".  I imagine that countless hours have been spent by millions of people in front of television sets. I can remember when you used to have to get up to change the channel. Now one can mindlessly click through a hundred channels, with a remote, and are still bored with the selection that is out there. We are living in a culture that has to be entertained to be happy. What entertained a previous generation is no longer good enough, so we seek something that is more extreme, something a bit more exciting. That is the problem with idleness. Nothing satisfies us in our pursuit of fun and pleasure.
     Sadly, the professing Church is filled with individuals with too much time on their hands as well. I recently listened to a "Christian" radio program that attempted to encourage parents who were seeking "godly" alternatives to the violent video games that their youth were playing. They interviewed a youth pastor who loved playing games, and who suggested several games that were not so violent, or worldly. What if youth pastors got rid of the X Box, and got on their knees instead? Not only are people growing up pampered with no work ethic, but they are also growing up with no knowledge of the word of God, and with no real prayer life. In all of our idleness, will no one take the time to seek God? Our abundance, and our idleness speak volumes about what we are truly living for.

     And I will say to my soul, "Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat drink, and be merry."
                                           Luke 12:19 KJV

     In their selfishness, the inhabitants of Sodom had no regard for the needy among them. We have many programs aimed at meeting the needs of the needy, and no doubt there are many who have been helped in times of need. There are also many generous people who have done much to alleviate the sufferings of the less fortunate. However, for every "Good Samaritan" out there, there are many more individuals who just don't care. They live to themselves, content to meet their own needs, and should they see someone in need, they, like the priest and Levite, pass on by (Luke 10:31-32). How many professing believers pass by the "cripple at the gate beautiful"  (Acts 3:2), on their way to the temple (Church), but never stop to give aid?
     One vital proof of our Love for God, is our love for the brethren. If we see a need that we have the means to meet, but close our heart to our brother, how can we say that we love God (1 John 3:16-18). Look at the standard of judgment according to the words of Jesus. It is based upon feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and imprisoned.  (Matthew 25:31-46). We may find it easy to love some people in this way, but we do not have the option to pick and choose, as Christ calls us to love even those we may see as insignificant. Some may reject this as "works," but since these are the words of Christ, we do well to take them seriously. The fact is, our actions are the proof of who we really are. If we are following Jesus, we will love others.
     We have discussed the pride and selfish lifestyles that the people of Sodom indulged in, but they are even better known for their sexual perversion. This is what Adam Clarke has to say about Ezekiel 16:49, in his commentary.

     If we are to take this place literally, Sodom was guilty of other crimes beside that for which she appears to have been especially punished; in addition to her unnatural crime, she is charged with pride, luxury, idleness, and uncharitableness; and these were sufficient to sink any city to the bottomless pit.
     (Clarke's Commentary vol 4 pp 464, 465 Abingdon press)

     Let's take a look now at some other passages of scripture that deal with Sodom's sexual sin. In Genesis we read that two angels came to the city, and Lot received them into his home, where he offered them a meal, and a place to stay for the night (Genesis 19:1-3). Read what happened next.

     But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter:
     And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came into thee this night? bring them out unto us that we may know them.
     And Lot went out at the door unto them, and shut the door after him,
     And said, I pray you, brethren, do not so wickedly.
     Behold now, I have two daughters which have not known man; let me, I pray you, bring them out unto you, and do ye to them what is good in your eyes: only to these men do nothing; for therefore came they under the shadow of my roof.
                                    Genesis 19:4-8 KJV

     The men of this city were homosexuals. They came to Lot seeking to have relations with his visitors. It does not speak very well of Lot either, that he offers them his daughters instead. You see, this city was given over to sexual perversion. We are told that the righteous soul of Lot was extremely vexed at all of their unlawful deeds (2 Peter 2:2-7-8). Yet we see by his offer of his daughters to these men, that some of it appears to have rubbed off on him as well.
     Jude tells us that these cities had given themselves over to sexual immorality, and homosexuality (Jude 1:7). This was the low that they in their pride and selfish ambition, had sunk to. They now pursued perverted gratification, among all of their other sins.
     Sexual preference is not something that can be explained by the psychologists. It is not the way we were born. God did not create us that way. There is no "gay gene". It flows from the very depths of depravity. It is the result of being given over to our own lusts, sinking deeper and deeper into sin; doing wicked things that at one time we would have cringed at the very thought of.
     Read Romans 1:18-32. This is the process of man rejecting God, and as a consequence, God gives them up to their own passions.  We are told that men change the glory of God into an image, an idol. They change the truth of God into a lie, and worship the creature more than the creator (Romans 1:23, 25). Here is the sad result.

     Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves.
                                  Romans 1:24 KJV

     For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
     And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one for another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
     And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient.
                                    Romans 1:26-28 KJV

     This is the result of idolatry. When we reject the revelation of God, which each one of us has received (Romans 1:19-20), we are left to ourselves. As the above verses explained, we are given up, by God, to our vile affections and lusts. A careful study of the bible will show you that wherever idolatry existed, sexual immorality was also present.
     Read the rest of the chapter. Sexual sin is not the only sin listed. Wicked behavior of every kind is listed here, all the result of man's attempt to live apart from the rule of God in his life.
     I do not write this with a judgmental attitude. I can see the direction we are heading as a nation, and I fear we are swiftly filling up the measure of our sin. King Josiah, upon reading the book of the law, recognized the danger that his nation was in, as a result of years of gross sin, and greatly feared the wrath of God (2 Chronicles 34:21). We need revival in this land. We are promised that if we as the Church (My people), would humble ourselves and pray, seek the face of God, and turn from our wicked ways, God would hear us from heaven, forgive our sin, and heal our land (2 Chronicles 7:14). We should be grieved in our hearts, as we see much of the professing Church fall away from biblical faith and standards. It is time to consecrate a fast, to call for a solemn assembly, and to seek God (Joel 1:14, 2:12-17).
     When we read of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, we also see that God is able to deliver the godly out of temptations (2 Peter 2:6-9). It seemed that Lot stubbornly "dug in his heels" as the angels urged him to flee, but he was delivered none the less. My desire is to see godly men and women gathering together in prayer to God, on behalf of a lukewarm Church, and a sinful nation. In the days of Josiah, God sent revival into the midst of a nation steeped in idolatry. Their sin included the sacrificing of their children, not unlike the sin of abortion that defiles our nation today. We need that same revival today, where God comes in power, and sets this nation free from the grip of sin that binds it. We need to see individuals crying out in repentance, putting away their idols, forsaking their sin, and embracing Christ. It begins with us. If we do nothing, what will become of us? 
     We need our hearts broken. When Ezra heard the report that the returned exiles from the Babylonian captivity were once again intermingling with the nations around them, he was gripped with fear, and great grief. He feared that they would once again face God's righteous judgment, and his heart broke over the nation's sin. He tore his clothing, and ripped out his hair and beard; not as an external act, but as a result of his deep anguish (Ezra 9:1-15). He stood in the gap for his people, and God sent revival. As he prayed, the people came weeping over their sin, with deep repentance (Ezra 10:1-4).
      It grieves my heart deeply, to see the capitulation of multitudes of so called "Christians" to the immoral onslaught that we are facing as a Church, and nation in these days. Thousands of professed believers, in the name of "love" are accepting, tolerating, and promoting that which is wicked in God's eyes. They have no tolerance however, for an individual who stands for righteousness; who refuses to conform to this world; who instead exposes sin, in love, to the end that people might repent and be saved. But this is what is needed in this hour; Spirit empowered individuals who will stand up with a holy fear, and proclaim the truth, to a lost and dying world.
     The Bible is filled with examples of individuals who were brokenhearted over their nation's sin. We read their humble, earnest, and tearful prayers of confession and repentance. We see the results as God brings about revival, and healing to the land. All of this is good, but profits us nothing if we will not avail ourselves of His great mercy. God is looking for those who will stand in the gap for a backslidden church. He is looking for an individual who trembles at His word, and mourns over the sin that is destroying our nation today. 
     We have the example of Sodom as a warning that God hates sin, and will judge it. We also have the examples of godly men who wept and sought the Lord. What will it take to break our hearts? What will bring us to the point of weeping? What will bring us to our knees, pleading with God, confessing our sin, and the sin of this nation? 
     Only in repentance, and turning back to God, can we be saved.





Sunday, April 19, 2015

Are We In Evacuation Mode?

     It seems that a great majority of the professing Church is in evacuation mode. We see evil abounding around us. No one can truly deny that we are now seeing things in our lifetime that would have seemed unlikely, even impossible just a few generations ago. It is true, sin is running rampant in this world, and everything seems to be spiraling out of control. Righteousness is indeed under attack, the very foundations are being destroyed. What are the righteous to do (Psalm 11:3)?
     Sadly it seems that many are simply waiting to be evacuated. Like a besieged army waiting to get out of a hopeless situation, we seem to anxiously look around us at the dismal conditions, and then "rest" in the hope that we will be raptured out of all of this misery, before it gets too far out of control.
     I fear that many will find themselves numbered with the "Foolish Virgins" (Matt 25:1-13). Their lamps have gone out, and they have no oil. Many will be identified with the servant who buried the one talent he was entrusted with (Matt 25:14-30).
     Jesus warns us to be alert, and He also warns us to be about His business until He comes (Mark 13:33-37). We dare not be found asleep at His return, yet I fear that many will be. Jesus Himself asks the question, "However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth (Luke 18:8)?"
     The truth is, we are in a spiritual battle for the souls of men. We are to be active in the service of our Lord Jesus Christ. We dare not stand looking into the sky (Acts 1:9-11), waiting for our evacuation, while there is still work to be done. Jesus never promised us that it would be easy. In fact, He promises us persecution, if we will be faithful to His call (Matt 5:10-12; 2 Tim 3:12).  
     As we see the evil growing around us, we must boldly stand for the truth, and be faithful unto Christ, no matter the cost. Then when Jesus returns, we will be among those who are found faithful.