
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

A Word of Encouragement.

     And we desire that each one of you show the same diligence so as to realize the full assurance of hope until the end,
     so that you will not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.
                            Hebrews 6:11-12 NASB

     As this year draws to a close, and we face the dawning of a new year, I would like to encourage you to hold fast your commitment to Christ Jesus.
     Many of you desire to know God in a deeper way, and I would encourage you, like Paul, to pursue Him with a renewed passion (Philippians 3:7-17). As the above passage in Hebrews states, it takes diligence, faith, and patience (perseverance). At times it can seem so easy to just give in, as the world seeks to gain our attention with all of it's attractions.
     Hold fast your confidence firm until the end (Hebrews 10:23, 35-36). Serving Jesus is far better than anything that this world can offer us. Knowing Him intimately is the greatest reward that one can find. Don't lose it!
     The scriptures tell us to not grow weary in well doing, for in the end we will reap the reward of eternal life (Galatians 6:8-9). This is eternity, face to face with our Savior.
     So in the coming days and months, be diligent. It takes effort, commitment. But through faith we overcome and gain the victory (1 John 5:4).

Monday, December 29, 2014

No More Sacrifice For Sins.

     Many professed believers hold a very lax view on sin, and the need to repent of it. Some seem to think that it doesn't matter how they live, because it is all covered by the blood of Jesus.
     We see something different in the Word of God however.

     For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a terrifying expectation of judgment and the fury of a fire which will consume the adversaries. Anyone who has set aside the law of Moses dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. How much severer punishment do you think he will deserve who has trampled underfoot the Son of God, and has regarded as unclean the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and has insulted the Spirit of grace? For we know Him who said "Vengeance is mine, I will repay", and again, "The Lord will judge His people." It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
                             Hebrews 10:26-31 NASB

     Contrary to what we might believe, we cannot just go on sinning and presume upon God's grace. As this passage shows us, if we continue in a willful lifestyle of sin, we cannot expect the blood sacrifice of Jesus to atone for our sins.
     The writer takes us back to the Old Covenant where those who sinned willfully against the law were put to death without mercy. This was because God, as a just and holy being could not tolerate sin, and even though in His mercy He provided a sacrificial system for sins committed in ignorance, yet His justice demanded retribution in the case of a willful sin. The only chance one had was to throw oneself on the mercy of God, such as David does in Psalm 51:1-19.
     If the judgment of God was severe under the Old Covenant, how much more severe will it be under the New Covenant where we have the blood sacrifice of Christ, and the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in our lives?
     By our deliberate sin, we trample the blood that has sanctified us, and insult the Holy Spirit, the Spirit who convicts us of sin, and is responsible for drawing us to Christ!
     That is why we are told "If you hear My voice, do not harden your hearts" (Hebrews 3:7-8, 15). Our only hope is to cast ourselves upon the mercy of God with repentant hearts.
     We are told if we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us (1 John 1:9). If we sin we have an advocate in Jesus Christ (1 John 2:1). This is not meant as blanket covering for a life of sin however. It is for those who are striving to live for Christ, but fall. Sin should be the exception, not the rule.
     It is a dangerous thing to become careless with sin. If you are playing with it now, if you are allowing a known sin to exist in your life, repent now! Cast yourself upon the mercy of God through Jesus Christ, and be washed clean. If you don't, there is no longer a sacrifice for you.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Selfishness or Love.

     I have seen many people debating the issue of eternal security. While some are indeed honest seekers of truth, many appear to have selfish motives at heart.
     Sadly many individuals who claim to be Christians seem to be interested in how much sin the can be involved in, and yet remain saved. This only shows that these individuals are selfish at heart. They have had a "legal" experience with Christ, but not one that has changed the ruling preference of the heart.
     The individual who loves Christ is not concerned with how much he or she can get away with and not lose their salvation, they are concerned with staying as far away as they can from anything that would grieve the heart of the Savior, and bring reproach to His name.
     The issue with them is not self, but devotion to Christ. Love is not self seeking (1 Cor 13:5), but chooses the highest interest of Christ for His sake
     What kind of salvation do you have? A legal one that concerns itself with your own interests, or are you poured out for Christ?


Thursday, December 25, 2014

Heavenly Minded.

     There is a saying that one can be so heavenly minded, that they are of no earthly good. It seems that if someone gets passionate about Jesus, gets serious about living for Him, they are shut down by some professed believer who is a little uncomfortable with their zeal.
     However, this is what God calls us to as followers of Christ,

     Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.
     Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on the earth.
     For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.
                                    Colossians 3:1-3 NASB

     As followers of Christ, our life does not consist in the abundance of the  earthly things we possess (Luke 12:15). Our life is not about all of our temporal, earthly pursuits (2 Tim 2:4). Jesus teaches us that even the necessities of life are not to become the end all of our existence here in this life (Matt 6:25-34).
     Sadly, too many professed believers spend their lives in the hustle and bustle of this world. Days are filled with jobs, daycare, after school activities, and so on. There are too few hours in a day to juggle everything that we try to pursue. In the eyes of the world, this is wonderful, as we climb the ladder to success.
     But at what cost? What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, only to lose his soul (Mark 8:36). While we chase the temporal things of this life our prayer life dwindles, our hunger for the word diminishes, and our love for the presence of Jesus Christ grows cold.
     To be earthly minded causes us to be ineffective for the kingdom of God. While we pursue temporal things, the eternal things slip away. We wonder why our unsaved loved ones never get saved, but how can we expect them to when we are too wrapped up with ourselves to make an honest effort to reach them? Jesus teaches us to lay up treasure in heaven, not on this earth (Matt 6:19-21).
     Consider the Apostle Paul. He claimed to do only one thing. That was to pursue Jesus Christ (Philippians 3:7-14). Out of that one thing however, flowed missionary trips, church planting, the writing of 2/3 of the new testament, and a multitude of other exploits that advanced the kingdom of God in a way that no other man has probably equaled in the history of the Church.
     Paul was a dead man, crucified with Christ, yet Christ lived through Him (Gal 2:20). In other words, he had no personal plans of his own. His mind was not on the temporal things of this life, he was focused on Jesus, and doing those things that Christ called him to do.
     Imagine what we could do if we had this same attitude. What if we would forget about material success, and only live for the kingdom of God. We would have to adjust our standard of living quite a bit, but in the eyes of eternity it would make a great difference. Imagine what would happen if we were empty of self and full of the Spirit? Think of the souls we could reach with the power and presence of God.
     Set your mind on the things above! This is where your life is, if you truly belong to the kingdom of God.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Importance of Prayer.

     The end of all things is near; therefore, be of sound judgment and sober spirit for the purpose of prayer.
                                1 Peter 4:7 NASB

     Prayer is one of those things that seem so easy, yet are so hard to actually put into practice. We tend to get so busy with our lives and the things around us, and neglect prayer.
     To be sure, we offer up quick little prayers when faced with troubles, we may even allow time for "devotions" and prayer, but to really pray with earnestness, we know little of.
     The above text calls us to be of sound judgment and sober spirit. We may not realize it, but we are in a spiritual war, facing foes that are of a spiritual nature, that cannot be defeated by human wisdom or means (2 Cor 10:3-4; Ephesians 6:12). We must not underestimate them, but realize that only through Christ can we overcome them. It is fatal to our souls to be so filled with the things of this life, that we fail to pray with the earnestness that is required of us.
     Look at the example of Elijah. He was a man like us, but accomplished much through earnest prayer. We are encouraged by this, to pray earnestly and effectually as well (James 5:16-18).
     The King James text calls it fervent prayer. This is an intense white hot effort. It is not speaking of quick prayers, lacking faith, while our minds wander to other things. This is focused prayer inspired and breathed through us by the Holy Spirit.
     This is what is meant when we are called to pray in the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 6:18; Jude 1:20). It takes work. We must be committed to the cause with all our being. We cannot be filled with the things of this life, or we will have no room for the things of the Spirit!
     Yield up your lives to the control of the Holy Spirit, and let Him empower you to pray with the earnestness that gets the answer! Be of sound judgment and sober minds, because the end is near, the days are evil, and only the presence and power of God in our lives can make the difference!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

10 Indictments Against the Modern Church in America - Paul Washer

     A convicting word for the modern professing church. We need the real power and presence of God in our midst.
      It is time to seek the Lord and pray that He would send a spirit empowered revival to our land.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Is God Unjust?

     There seems to be this idea that a God who would punish evil doers is somehow unjust. This idea has even been accepted by many who profess to be Christians. They believe that somehow God is too kind to send someone to hell, that in fact it would be unjust.
     Now tell me, would it be unjust if a convicted mass murderer stood before a courtroom filled with the friends and relatives of his victims, and was released with no sentence whatsoever, because the judge was kind, and thought it would be unfair to lock this man up?
     We would consider that a gross travesty of justice, yet so many today think that God is like that. They would consider it a gross travesty if He punished someone for their sin.
     Paul writes about God's wrath, patience, and justice.

     For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness.
                            Romans 1:18 NASB

     And we know that the judgment of God rightly falls upon those who practice such things.
                               Romans 2:2 NASB
     This verse refers back to the sins listed in Romans 1:18-32.

     Or do you think lightly of the riches of His kindness and tolerance and patience, not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance? But because of your stubborn and unrepentant heart you are storing up wrath for yourself in the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God. Who will render to each person according to his deeds.
                        Romans 2:4-6 NASB

     But if our unrighteousness demonstrates the righteousness of God, what shall we say? The God who inflicts wrath is not unrighteous is He? (I am speaking in human terms). May it never be! For otherwise how will God judge the world?
                            Romans 3:5-6 NASB

     Now we know that whatever the law says, it speaks to those who are under the law, so that every mouth may be closed and all the world may become accountable to God.
                              Romans 3:19 NASB

     Friend, there is coming a day when God will judge this world by Jesus Christ (Acts 17:31). God will be perfectly fair, He will be completely just. He will make no mistake. He will not meet out any undeserved punishment, and He will also not leave any deserved punishment unfulfilled.
     As we read in the above verses, all mouths will be shut before Him. We will stand before Him with all secrets exposed. We will be confronted with all the evidence of all our wicked deeds. All will be laid bare for all to see. We will be without excuse. We will have nothing to say in our defense. We will know then without any doubt that God is indeed just and fair in all His dealings with mankind.
     We also read that God is patiently waiting for our repentance. He is not willing that any should perish (2 Peter 3:9). While He is just, He is also merciful, and has made a way for us to receive His grace through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, who gave Himself to redeem us from this wicked age (Gal 1:4).
     You see God loves us enough to provide an atonement for our sins. We can stand before His judgment seat with a clean record, totally forgiven. He has upheld the righteousness of the law by the death of Christ on the cross. He can now be just, and the justifier of all who come to Him by faith in Christ Jesus (Romans 3:21-26; 1 John 1:9).
     Don't fall for the lie that God has to forgive you because He is too kind to punish you for your sin. Don't believe the heresy that a loving God will not send someone to an eternal hell. This was the same basic lie that the serpent used on Eve (Genesis 3:4). He has used it in various forms through the ages to lead souls to hell.
     What good will it be to have believed a lie on the day we stand before God? Then it will be too late. Run to Christ in repentance and faith, and follow Him in submission to His word.


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Full of the Spirit

     Whoever speaks, is to do so as one who is speaking the utterances of God
                    1 Peter 4:11a NASB

     As Christ's ambassadors we must be empty of self, and full of Him. Just like John the Baptist, we must decrease so that He can increase (John 3:30).
     Our message must be God's message delivered by God the Holy Spirit, through individuals empty of self, and yielded to His impulse.

     For our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit, and with full conviction.
                 1 Thessalonians 1:5a NASB

     For this reason we constantly thank God that when you received the word which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men, but for what it really is, the word of God, which performs its work in you who believe.
                 1 Thessalonians 2:13 NASB

     If we would see true results it must be all of God through empty vessels. We must give up all reliance on self, our natural strengths and talents, our persuasiveness, our programs, and lean completely on Christ, relying on the Spirit to give us the message in power and conviction.
     It is hard to completely die out to the flesh, and this is where we see so little accomplished for the kingdom. The cost is great, but the one dead to self and yielded to God will shake souls, and see God move.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Are You Loved by the World?

     There are many scripture passages which we can judge our lives by to show us whether our Christianity is real or not.

     If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you.
            John 15:19 NASB

     See how great a love the Father has bestowed on us, that we would be called children of God; and such we are. For this reason the world does not know us, because it did not know Him.
                     1 John 3:1 NASB

     As Christians we have nothing in common with this world. We are called out to follow Christ, and the world cannot comprehend this. This world lies in the power of the evil one (1 John 5:19), and men love the darkness rather than the light, because their deeds are evil (John 3:19).
     We have been delivered from this present evil age (Galatians 1:4), rescued from the domain of darkness, and placed into the kingdom of Christ (Col 1:13).
     Therefore, what fellowship does righteousness have with lawlessness, or light with darkness, or Christ with Belial? What do we as believers in Christ have in common with unbelievers, or the temple of God, which we are, with idols (2 Cor 6:14-16).
     Get the idea? As Christians we go against the grain, we are not following the selfish pursuits of this world. Following Christ runs in opposition to the ways of this world, and the world hates us for this.
     Just as Cain killed Abel because his deeds were evil, and Abel's were not, the world will also hate those who live righteous lives in Christ Jesus (1 John 3:12-13). Everyone who does evil hates the light, and does not come to it because he does not want his evil deeds exposed (John 3:20).
     This is how it is, and is an indicator of the validity of our commitment to Christ. There is a line of separation drawn in the sand so to speak. You are either of this world and loved and accepted by it, or you belong to the kingdom of God, and bear its reproach (Hebrews 13:12-14).

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Those Who Trembled At God's Words.

     Then everyone who trembled at the words of the God of Israel on account of the unfaithfulness of the exiles gathered to me. and I sat appalled until the evening offering.
                                             Ezra 9:4 NASB

     Oh that people would tremble at the word of the Lord today as we see the unfaithfulness of so many who profess His name. If only people would take God's warnings to those who turn from Him, seriously, if only they would weep and sigh over the evils being committed and tolerated by those who claim to be Christians (Ezekiel 9:4).
     If they would only weep and cry out to God like Ezra (Ezra 9:5-15), or like Daniel (Daniel 9:2-19), He would remember us, and heal our backslidings (Malachi 3:16; 4:2).
     If we would see revival, we must pour out our hearts to God. 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

When Will We Pray?

     I read in the news today of a ten year old boy who beat a ninety year old woman to death in a fit of rage. This just happened in Pennsylvania.
     This is a shocking reflection of the moral decay that has permeated every area of this nation we live in. We have chaos everywhere we turn nowadays.
     Race riots, injustice, violence, drugs, theft, murder, lack of respect, abortion, pornography, broken marriages, no marriages, and gay marriages, to name a few.
     Tragically this nation is on a collision course with judgment unless someone gets down on their knees in brokenhearted sorrow and cries out to God on it's behalf.
     However, who will do this? Sadly much of the professing Christian church mirrors the world around it. We are accepting the same sinful lifestyles in the church that we see in the world. The church has become a place of blind tolerance, where people are made to feel safe and comfortable in their sins rather than a place where Holy Ghost conviction changes lives. Holiness has been abandoned for happiness. Like the church in Corinth, we too have become arrogant in our refusal to deal with the sin in our midst (1 Cor 5:1-2).
     If we would desire to see this nation brought back from the brink of ruin, if we would desire to see real biblical Christianity lived out in the lives of those who claim to follow Jesus, we must get on our knees in godly sorrow. Judgment begins with us who call ourselves Christians (1 Peter 4:17). The Lord God calls out to His people to humble themselves and pray, to seek His face and repent from their evil ways (2 Chronicles 7:14).
     Church, it is time that we hear the cry of Joel to consecrate a solemn assembly, to call for fasting and weeping as we humbly seek the face of God on behalf of His backslidden people (Joel 1:14-15, 2:1, 12-13, 15-17).
     We must cry out to God like Daniel as He confessed the sins of his people before the God that they had spurned (Daniel 9:2-19).
     God is a merciful God who hears the prayers of His people as they humble themselves before Him. He forgives and heals those who turn from the sins in their own lives. He will hear their cries for their loved ones, their communities, and their nation, but let them deal with their own sins first.
     Church, we must wake up and heed the warnings we see around us before it is too late! When will we humble ourselves and seek the face of God in desperation? What will it take to get us off of our recliners and on our knees on our behalf, and on the behalf of a lost nation?
     It is time to seek the Lord while He may be found (Isaiah 55:6-7), and to call upon Him while He is near.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

When Zion Travailed.

     History shows us that every past move of God has been birthed in prayer. Past revivals, and times when God's Spirit has come upon individuals and communities with powerful conviction leading them to repentance and faith, have been preceded by deep earnest prayer. Someone somewhere spent earnest time wrestling with God for the souls of men.
     It is much like giving birth. It requires effort, in fact hard painful effort. Just as labor pains become excruciating, and the process of labor becomes more and more intense in the effort required to give birth, so it is with bringing sons into the kingdom of God (Isaiah 66:8). 
     It is no wonder that few individuals can ever be found to truly pray for souls, for revival, for the Spirit of God to be poured out in abundance. It takes too much effort, and most are too busy with other things.
     To prevail, one must be empowered and led in prayer by the Holy Spirit of God. This is what Paul means in Romans 8:26-27. This is what is meant in Jude 1: 20. Praying in the Holy Spirit. 
     This is a work that is not for the weak, faint or timid. It requires focus, a sober spirit. Those who would prevail in prayer must have no "fleshly" desire, but be moved by the very heart and compassion of God.
     Like labor, it is a long drawn out process. We are too used to doing everything quick and easy. We want it now with little effort on our part. This is not how it works with God. Unless we seek Him with the whole heart (Jeremiah 29:13), unless we pursue Him, and His will with a whole hearted, relentless pursuit, we will see no answer. God means business with those who mean business with Him. You are either serious about Him and His kingdom, or you are not, and our earnestness, or lack thereof is a good indicator of how much we truly desire to see Zion bringing forth sons into the kingdom of God. 
     This is why we see so little of the power of God in our world today. The people of God do not have the passion and fire that it takes to grab hold of the horns of the altar and prevail with God.
     God help us to come to grips with our lack of power, our lack of desire, and our feeble praying. God give us repentant hearts, and fill us with His Spirit, so that we would rise up to the occasion, and see revival sweep our land.
     God does not bring to the point of birth, and then close up the womb (Isaiah 66:9). He is looking for someone who will lay down their life and seek Him in earnestness. Will that be you? He will give you the passion and power by His Spirit. Just let Him fill and use you!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Word of God is A Treasure.

     There are many things that we can see are lacking in the lives of many professed believers. Things that if they were changed would bring revolution to the body of Christ.
      Today I would like to look at the word of God, and how it should be valued by we who believe in Jesus Christ.

     Your word I have treasured in my heart, that I may not sin against you.
                                 Psalm 119:11 NASB

     My soul is crushed with longing after Your ordinances at all times.
                                 Psalm 119:20 NASB

     I shall delight in Your commandments, which I love.
                                  Psalm 119:47 NASB

     Therefore I love your commandments above gold, yes, above fine gold.
                                   Psalm 119:127 NASB

     To treasure something is to place a high value upon it. Thing of the things that you value. Think about how much you are willing to spend on something, how desperate you are to get something, how carefully you keep and protect the things that you treasure.
     Now ask yourself this. Do I treat the word of God in this same way? Do I highly esteem it? Do I long for it in the same way I long for things, do I spend as much time in it and meditating on it as I do other things that I love?
      I would dare to say that many if not most of us would find that our televisions, computers, homes and vehicles, hobbies, and entertainment hold a higher place of value in our hearts than the word of God! It is no wonder that we see so much weakness and compromise within the professing body of Christ today!
     If we do not value God's word above the things of this world, I would venture to say that we also do  not value God above all either!
     To place a proper value upon the word, we must first esteem God above all. The psalmist said " With all my heart I have sought You. Do not let me wander from your commandments"  (Psalm 119:10 NASB). If we love God, truly love Him as our highest treasure, we will naturally love and cherish His word. It is His revelation of Himself to us. By it we learn how We can be reconciled to Him, how we can please Him, and how we can avoid offending Him.
     This is worth so much more than gold or material possessions. It is worth so much more than our hobbies and entertainment. If we can spend hours watching Hollywood entertainers, and sports figures, who are embroiled in scandals, but cannot spend more than a few minutes in the Bible, something is wrong with our love for Christ. It is growing cold, if not dead!
     Repent, and return to how it was when you first trusted Christ (Rev 2:5). We must make Christ our all, and value His word accordingly! Put aside all that hinders, and pursue Him! Get into the word of God, and treat it as the word of God. It is to be taken in, meditated upon, and obeyed. It is worth more than anything else you possess. Time spent in it is far more valuable than time wasted in vain pursuits.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Contending for the Faith: Repentance.

Contending for the Faith: Repentance.:      Then Jesus went back across the Jordan to the place where John had been baptizing in the early days. Here He stayed and many people cam...

Our God Is A Consuming Fire.

     Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude, by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe; for our God is a consuming fire.
                     Hebrews 12:28-29 NASB

Friday, September 5, 2014

Longing For the Presence of God.

     Are you stuck in a spiritual rut? Are you tired of the same old religious way of doing things? Is your Christianity empty? Does it leave you with an aching void?
     I believe countless numbers of people can relate to questions like these. They believe in Christ, they go to church, they call themselves Christians, but they are empty.
     Look at the very beginning. Adam and Eve fellowshipped with God. It was sin, their disobedience that caused them to hide from His presence (Genesis 3:8). God's presence was with the nation of Israel in a pillar of fire by night, and a cloud by day (Exodus 13:21). He met with Moses at the tent of meeting (Exodus 33:9-11).
     When the Israelites made the golden calf and worshipped it, God was angered and threatened to destroy them. Moses intervened on their behalf and God spared them, however He would not go with them any longer. His presence meant so much to Moses, that if God would not go with them, it was over! They would not go (Exodus 33:15-16).
     Throughout the history of Israel God's presence was with them, symbolized by the ark of testimony, which was placed in the most holy place. It was only when they turned from God to worship idols that He departed from them (Ezekiel 10:18-19). The glory of God filled the tent of meeting in the wilderness. It also filled the temple in the days of Solomon (2 Chronicles 7:1-2).
     This is what was important! This is what really mattered. The presence of God, the manifestation of His glory, in the midst of His people. Without this everything else was really meaningless. Worship was empty. The rituals were only rituals.
    This is what we need today! Worship is empty, sermons are dry, religious things are meaningless without the presence of God in our midst!
     We need to get back to the worship of God in spirit and truth (John 4:23-24). The way to the most holy place has been opened for us (Hebrews 10:19-25). We can enter into the very presence of God. We can daily live in His presence as we live each moment of every day in His strength and for His glory. 
     Knowing and serving Christ was never meant to be empty and dry. It is a vibrant life full of purpose and joy, as we go on in the fullness of the Holy Spirit.

Following Judah's Lion: THE HOLY GOD

Following Judah's Lion: THE HOLY GOD: THE HOLY GOD A pastor is a spiritual shepherd who feeds and protects the sheep. Joel and Victoria Osteen claim to be pastors bu...

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Contending for the Faith: The fear of the Lord.

Contending for the Faith: The fear of the Lord.:      We are told in the scriptures, that the fear of the Lord is the begining of wisdom (Prov 1:7). The concept of fear takes on several mea...

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Don't Neglect Your Gift!

     There are many of us Christians who have had burdens for lost souls, a heart for revival, and a passion to see the church built up and edified. We may have at one time labored in the strength of the Lord to see these things accomplished for Christ. 
    It seems like we often let other things slip in and get us off track. We let our urgency wane. We grow lazy in our prayer life, our zeal for the service of the Lord grows cool.
     Paul exhorted Timothy not to neglect the spiritual gift that was within him (1 Timothy 4:14). It is so easy to neglect the spiritual gifts that God has placed within each one of us. The world clamors to get our attention. Christian! God has gifted you. Do not neglect it!
     If it has been lying dormant in your life you need to fan it into flame once again (2 Timothy 1:6). Get filled afresh with the spirit of God, and walk in your calling! Let God use you for His kingdom and glory.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


     The account of Elijah and Elisha in 2 Kings 2:1-14 contains a great lesson for us. Look at the determination of Elisha as he follows Elijah from place to place. At each stop Elijah asks him to stay, but Elisha is determined to go on with him.
     We see why when Elijah asks what he could do for him before God took him. Elisha wanted a double portion of the anointing of God that rested upon Elijah. If he was not persistent in his pursuit of God's anointing, he would have never received it!
     This is the same principle that Jesus taught us through the example of the Syrophoenician woman's persistent faith (Matthew 15:21-28).
     If we would prevail with God, if we would receive the blessing, if we would see God pour out His Spirit upon us, upon our churches and communities, we must come with a bold determination that will not let go until the blessing comes (Genesis 32:26).

Saturday, August 9, 2014

White Hot!

  Jesus would have us to be white hot in our service to Him. In Romans 12:11 we are exhorted to be diligent, and fervent in spirit.
     To be fervent in spirit is to be on fire for Christ. Someone who is white hot will set those on fire who are around them. A Christian full of the Holy Ghost and fire will accomplish much for the kingdom of God. Souls will come under conviction of sin, repent and be saved. Backsliders will be reclaimed. The dry will be kindled into flame!
     Get full of the Spirit! Be white hot, on fire for Christ! Spread revival fire wherever you go!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Inhabited By God.

     Our love for Christ is proven by our obedience to Him. We live to please those we love. those  who love Christ in this way are the ones who experience the abiding fellowship of the presence of God in their lives. The very presence of the indwelling Christ burning deep within the soul (John 14:23).
     We are deluded if we think we can abide in Christ and He in us apart from this love.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Rend The Heavens.

     Oh, That You would rend the heavens and come down, that the mountains would quake at your presence- as fire kindles the brushwood, as fire causes water to boil...
     Isaiah 64:1-2 NASB

   We cry out to you in holy desperation, we are dry, we are thirsty, we need a mighty outpouring of the Holy Ghost! Send the fire, or we die...

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Godly Sorrow.

     What is our reaction to all the sin we see around us? Does it bother us to see the world overrun by gross wickedness, or have we grown insensitive to the moral filth around us?
     The Psalmist wept tears because people did not keep God's law (Psalm 119:136). He was grieved in his heart because God was being dishonored, His holy name and character were being blasphemed by those who disobeyed Him.
     Sin, especially that tolerated by those who profess to know Christ, brings a grievous reproach to our Savior. We should shed the same tears as we see many in the church fall into sin and error. We should weep over the barren condition of so many who once stood so strong for the Lord, but now have fallen away. We should weep like the son's of Korah, when the world says to us "Where is your God?" (Psalm 42:3).
     Daniel gives us a wonderful example of one who grieved over the fallen condition of God's chosen people (Daniel 9:1-20). He recognized that they were in captivity for their sin, but that God promised to release them. Read this prayer of repentance. Daniel did not pray "poor us, forgive and let us go!" He prayed "Shame belongs to us, You are righteous and just in all that has befallen us. Forgive for your sake! We are called by Your name!" He recognized that the world looked at them in captivity, for their sin, and that reproach fell upon God!
     A sin tolerating form of Christianity brings reproach to the name of the Holy God. Where are our tears?

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Active Prayer.

     There are those who spend their lives praying for lost loved ones, revival, their neighbors, etc. but never do anything about it. They don't witness, they won't give a testimony of God's grace in a church service, they never think to confront a sinning brother in a spirit of love. They believe all that they need to do is to pray, and God will take care of it.
     There are also those who plunge into these things, but never pray. They are always busy doing good things, but have no anointing of God on their efforts. They also see little if any results.
    Jesus told the seventy to pray that the Lord of the harvest would send workers. He then sends them! (Luke 10:2-3). James tells us that true faith will produce works. What good is it to bless a needy person with good intentions when we have the ability to help them? (James 2:15-17). Likewise, how can we expect God to answer our prayers for loved ones when we have no intention to go to them ourselves?
     The truth is we must pray and seek God for His presence and power in our lives. We must be willing to go where He sends us, and to do what He calls us to do, bathing it all in prayer. We go in the strength that He provides.
     Who knows, Maybe you are the answer to your prayers for the lost, for the needy, for revival in your church or community?

Sunday, August 3, 2014

The Great Commission.

     I was reading about Joshua this morning. The account of God's commission to Him to lead the nation of Israel into the promised land (Joshua 1:1-9).
     God gave him the incredible task of going in to take possession of the land. He was to drive out the inhabitants of the land, a thing that the Israelites had been to afraid to do years before (Numbers 14:1-10).
     To encourage Joshua to be strong and courageous, God assured him that He would not fail, or forsake him. He would be with him wherever he went (Joshua 1:5,9).
     This reminded me of the words of Jesus when He was about to ascend to heaven (Matthew 28:18-20). He has given us, His disciples, the commission to win the lost. We are to make disciples of every nation, baptize them, and teach them to obey the words of Jesus.
     This is a daunting task to be sure! Who are we to accomplish such a serious charge? Fear cripples so many of us. What will people think of me if I try to witness to them? There are so many to reach. What can I possibly do?
     To encourage His disciples Jesus told them That He would be with them to the end of the age (Matthew 28:20). Take heart! Be strong and courageous! Get the power from on high (Luke 24:49) and go!

Friday, August 1, 2014

An Invitation.

     "Come now, and let us reason together," says the Lord, "Though your sins are as scarlet, they will be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they will be like wool"
                                           Isaiah 1:18 NASB

     "Ho! Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and you who have no money come, buy and eat. Come buy wine and milk without money and without cost."
     "Why do you spend money for what is not bread, and your wages for what does not satisfy?"
                                         Isaiah 55:1-2a NASB

     "Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."
                                        Matthew 11:28-30 NASB

     Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me will not hunger, and he who believes in Me will never thirst."
                                        John 6:35 NASB

     "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink."
                                           John 7:37b NASB

     The Spirit and the bride say, "Come." And let the one who hears say, "Come." And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who wishes take the water of life without cost.
                                           Revelation 22:17 NASB

     This invitation is for those who are burdened with a load of sin. Repent, lay it down (Isaiah 1:16-17). You will find God's forgiveness. They will be washed away.
     Those who hunger and thirst for God will be filled (Matt 5:6). We all have a deep yearning for our God and Creator. Sadly we try to fill this void with material things, vain things, and idolatrous things. We live in selfish pursuit of temporal happiness. Only in Christ Jesus will we find contentment and peace.
     We turn to religion, self righteousness, out of fear. We try hard to impress and please others out of the fear of man. Jesus says "Come to Me." He is gentle, His yoke is easy, His burden is light. This is the opposite of all the striving and effort so many of us are burdened with.
     The invitation is open to all, but you must come. Lay down your sin and guilt. Lay down your load of empty religion. Lay down your cares and worries. Lay down your life, your all. Come to the waters, come to Jesus.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Return to Me.

     "Yet even now," declares the Lord, "Return to Me with all your heart, and with fasting, weeping, and mourning; And rend your heart and not your garments." Now return to the Lord your God, for He is gracious compassionate, slow to anger, abounding in lovingkindness  and relenting of evil.
                       Joel 2:12-13 NASB

     We are living in a day when the heavens are shut up and we lack rain (2 Chronicles 1:13). The presence of God is largely absent from our assemblies. So much of our worship is lip service, our hearts are far away from God (Mark 7:6-8). We see our young people growing up and leaving the things of God. We have no power in our witness. We have no victory in our lives over sin. The church looks more and more like the world as time marches on.
     I do not mean to seem harsh or judgmental. Just look around! It's true! We see a powerless, self centered, worldly form of Christianity being proclaimed that cannot deliver a soul from sin (2Timothy 3:5). It is a Christianity that caters to the fleshly desires of men. Prosperity and happiness are proclaimed from pulpits instead of holiness and self denial for the sake of Christ.
     We teach others to come as they are, add Jesus to their lives, and He will someday take them to heaven. We fail to tell them that He demands all of us! He wants absolute control of our lives. It is all or nothing in God's economy (Mark 8:34-35, Luke 14:33, John 12:24-26).
     Repentance is something that is no longer taught. Some change what it means to repent, others teach that it has no bearing upon salvation. Yet the scriptures consistently show that repentance is a turning from sin to God. It means we change our course! We turn from rebellion to submission. There can be no salvation without it. The New Testament consistently shows this to be true. John the Baptist proclaimed a baptism of repentance to prepare the people for the coming of Jesus (Matt 3:1-2, Mark 1:4-5, Luke 3:3-14, John 1:23). Jesus preached it (Matt 4:17). Peter preached a message of repentance from sin (Acts 2:38, 3:19-20, 5:29-32, 8:22).  Paul's theme in Romans 6 is that of dying to sin. It is a change of course. We are to stop presenting ourselves to sin, and instead present ourselves to God as slaves of righteousness (Romans 6:11-14). Paul states in Titus 2:11-12 that God's grace instructs us to deny ungodliness, and instead live upright, godly lives.  It is repentance that leads one to the knowledge of the truth (2 Timothy 2:25-26).
     In Revelation, Jesus stressed the need for five of the seven churches addressed, to repent. That is what we need today! We need to turn from our selfish wayward ways. We need to turn from our compromise of the truth. We need to repent of lukewarmness, dead orthodoxy, lack of passion, our unconcern for the lost, our loss of zeal for the glory of God!
     If we humble ourselves, pray, seek God's face, and turn from our wicked ways, God will hear us, and forgive us and bring healing to our land once again (2Chron 7:14). We must be sincere. We must be contrite, broken. When we are serious about God. when we mean business with Him, He will mean business with us. That is what it means to seek Him with the whole heart (Jeremiah 29:13). We seek Him, we desire Him. We understand our sin has grieved Him and separated us from His presence. We are broken over this, we confess, we repent, we seek Him, His presence once again.
     It is time to return to the Lord! We cannot go on without Him. We live in a dry weary land, we need Him to rain down righteousness upon us once again (Hosea 10:12).  We need the times of refreshing once again (Acts 3:19-20).

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Pillar of the Truth.

     Look around and you can see the words of Paul to Timothy being fulfilled. We are indeed living in an age where sound doctrine is no longer tolerated. The truth is rejected, and people only want to hear things that "tickle" their ears (1 Timothy 4:3-4). 
     We may be shocked at some of the things now being debated by Churches and Denominations. We wonder how a Church could even consider these issues, based upon the clear instruction given to us in the word of God.
     Take a look at the words of Paul in the first chapter of Romans. We see that the truth has been suppressed (Romans 1:18), and it has been exchanged for a lie (Romans 1:25). Men have rejected the worship of God for idolatry. Read Romans 1:18-32. It shows us how all of the sinful practices mentioned flow out of a heart that has rejected the truth that has been revealed to it. Such an individual has been turned over to a depraved mind by God (Romans 1:24,26).
     I believe that is why we see such a falling away today. Many movements that were once on fire, gloriously used by God in the past, have grown cold. They have lost the fear of the Lord, and compromised the truth. The gross sin we see allowed, and even supported today in the "Christian" world is a result of exchanging the truth for a lie, compromising the truth to be pleasing to men and not to God.
     In contrast the Church of God is the pillar and support of the truth (1 Timothy 3:15). The word of God is living and empowered through the Holy Spirit. It exalts Jesus Christ, the head (Col 1:18). The truth is found in Jesus, we hear Him, and are taught in Him (Eph 4:21).The truth is allowed to cleanse and sanctify those who have faith (2 Thess 2:13).
    Jesus said that as His disciples we must continue in His word. Then we will know the truth that will set us free (John 8:311-32).  What a contrast! Instead of being enslaved to our evil passions, we find freedom!
     Beware of compromise! It is dangerous to play with the truth! Allow the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth as revealed in the word of God, to you. Let it transform you into the image of Christ. Do not get caught up in the "ear tickling" going on today. Run away from it as fast as you can!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

The Greatest Commandment.

     Like the Church of Ephesus, many of us are faithful to our doctrines, zealous in routing out false teachers, and persevere steadfastly in the truth (Revelation 2:2-3). This is a lot more than we see other Christians, Churches, and Denominations doing, so we feel as though we are getting along fairly well.
     The truth is, without love being the motivating factor in what we do, it means nothing (1 Cor 13:2-3). The Church in Ephesus, for all they stood for, had forsaken it's first love (Rev 2:4). This is what the Lord Jesus Christ rebuked them for.
     An expert in the law of Moses asked Christ what was the greatest commandment in the law (Matt 22:36). Jesus told him to love God with all your heart, soul, mind. (Deut 6:5). This is the greatest commandment, followed by loving your neighbor as yourself (Lev19:18) (Matt 22:37-39).
     Paul states that what matters to God is faith that works by love (Gal 5:6). Love is the fulfilling of the law (Gal 5:14, Romans 13:8-10). When we love God with all that we are, we will find ourselves fulfilling the commandments concerning Him and our worship of Him. When we truly treat others as we want them to treat us (Matt 7:12) we will find ourselves living a life that is free from theft, dishonesty, covetousness, anger, murder, lust, etc. The law concerning our neighbor will be fulfilled by us.
     So what about you? Did you once have a passion for Jesus that led you to serve Him with all your heart? Is that passion still there motivating your actions, or has it dwindled? Are you still doing good deeds, but for the wrong reasons? Can you say you love your neighbor as yourself, and back it up with your actions, or do your actions say otherwise? Maybe you are an honest person, trying to be good all the time, but without love.
     The answer is found in Jesus, at the foot of the Cross. There you will find grace. Look back on your life and see how far you have fallen! Repent and do the deeds you did at first (Rev 2:5). Let Jesus fill you once again with His presence! Be empowered to live a life of love.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Consecrated To The Calling.

     I believe the full gospel! I believe in the pentecostal outpouring of the Holy Spirit, with signs following. I am in no way a cessationist. I believe that the baptism of the Holy Spirit is for today. I believe that the New Testament gifts of the Holy Spirit are for us today as well. Jesus Christ is the same Jesus today. We need the presence and power of God in our lives today, just as the early Church needed it two thousand years ago.
      It was the Holy Spirit who gave witness to the resurrected Christ in power through the Apostles and early Christians, with signs and wonders. He anointed the words of the early witnesses, bringing conviction to those who heard. The gospel was spread in the power of the Holy Spirit then, and nothing has changed now either.
     The great evangelists of former times believed that they were powerless without the Holy Spirit's fullness in their lives. Charles Finney preached, and wrote extensively on the subject of the Holy Spirit, and the utter necessity of His power to convert sinners. John wesley preached in the power of the Spirt, as did Jonathan Edwards, and many others. These men believed that they had to have the Spirit's presence and power to successfully carry out the great commission. 
     The thing that strikes me is this. These men believed in persevering prayer for this blessing. They believed in a full consecration of oneself to Christ and the spreading of the gospel (Mark 8:35). They sought for the presence of the Holy Spirit. They emptied themselves of everything. They committed themselves to the work of saving sinners. They were entirely dependent upon God to enable them to do this work. They confessed sin, renounced anything that stood in the way of more of Christ in their lives. They were filled, and preached with a power that few have since preached with. 
     We are so weak today! Even those of us who call ourselves pentecostal! We claim to be Spirit filled, we speak in tongues, discern spirits, prophesy, and walk in the gifts. Don't get me wrong. I am not a cessationist. I believe that the spiritual gifts are still valid today (1 Cor 12:4-11). What is lacking is the power in the pulpits. The power in personal one on one witnessing. We see little results. Do we depend too much on ourselves and not enough on God? Many people seek the baptism in the Holy Spirit, but remain empty. We are told to just ask in faith. I agree, we receive the Spirit by faith (Gal 3:2, Luke 11:13). However we tend to forget why we need the Holy Spirit. We too often forget the great commission. We are not fully surrendered to the Lordship of Christ. We are not committed to the salvation of souls as our chief work for Christ on this earth. I understand we have different callings and vocations while on this earth, but our chief aim is the glory of God regardless of what we do. 
     The strange thing is this. The mighty men of the last few centuries believed in the baptism of the Holy Spirit. They claimed it and preached in it's power. Multitudes were saved and set free from sin. Years later the majority of them were still saved and serving Jesus Christ. These ministers and evangelists said nothing of tongues. They had power though! 
     I believe in tongues, but I fear that the modern pentecostal view may have shifted from the presence and power of the abiding Holy Spirit to change the lives of men, to something that excites us on Sunday morning! This sounds harsh, steps on toes, maybe offends some of you. I don't wish to offend, but to challenge us all to rise up to the high calling of Christ to spread the gospel into the whole world (Matthew 28:18-20), with the power of the Holy Spirit working in and through us to the glory of God. 
     Examine yourself! Are you empty or full? Are you committed to Christ and the spreading of His kingdom? Is it your life's work? Are you willing to give up all for the gift of the Holy Spirit? You are nothing without it. The world goes lost without your witness. God is calling you to greater things.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Living For The Glory Of God.

     What would our lives look like if we took the admonition to do all for the glory of God (1 Cor 10:31), literally?
      I believe that most of us would find that our lives would become much simpler. We would find ourselves eliminating much of what clutters our time, much of what stresses us out, and the things that waste our time.
     Our lives would be lived with purpose. We would be better employees, better spouses, better parents, better children.
     Our lives would reflect Christ to the world around us. We would have a powerful witness. The concerns of Christ and His kingdom would be our utmost priority. We would be consumed, poured out like the Apostle Paul, in the service of Christ, instead of being consumed in the pursuits of everyday life.
     We are worn out, burned out, stressed out, as we live our lives for the temporal things that do not truly matter. We need a change of purpose, we need to live for Christ alone.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Set Apart.

     O God, my prayer for the church is that she would be separate unto You. I pray that she would come out of the world, and cast the world out of her midst. God come and purify your bride with the cleansing fire of Your blessed Holy Spirit. Come and fill Your cleansed temple once again. Come and ignite a holy passion within our hearts. May they burn for you. Give us the pentecostal power that we have heard of but not experienced. O God send the fire! We desire to see Your glory fill this land! We want to see You lifted up and exalted in our midst. Purity and power are what we so desperately need. We cry out for Your presence. Come Lord Jesus Come, and turn our hearts back to You.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Contending for the Faith: Entire consecration.

Contending for the Faith: Entire consecration.:      I would like to share an excerpt from the book Sanctification, by B. Carridine D.D. written in 1890. He is writing to Christians, encou...

Sunday, May 11, 2014

You Can't Have Both Worlds.

     No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth.
                                        Matthew 6:24 NASB

     You adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
                                            James 4:4 NASB

     We seem to have a form of Christianity today that allows us to partake of the best of both worlds. We are granted heaven and the blessings of God. We have Him to turn to for all of our wants and desires. We believe in a God who is there for us, to make us happy and prosperous. We believe in a God who takes us just as we are, in our sins, and leaves us there. We believe in a God who does not see, or care about how we live our lives. It is all about us, all about our plans, all about our happy little lives. We have accepted a Jesus who is there to be our servant, to give us our hearts desire and then take us safely home to heaven when this life is over.
     We have departed far from the truth of the gospel! It is not about us, it is about God and His glory! Jesus is not our servant, He is to be our Lord! We must submit to Him! He did not die to make us happy, He died and rose again to make us holy! By holy, I do not merely mean a positional holiness, but an actual transformation of character. Clean hands and pure hearts! Changed lives!
     We are fooling ourselves if we think that we can hang on to this world and still have enough of Jesus to save us. I am not talking about hanging on to obvious sinful habits and practices. I am talking about living in this world as if it were all that really mattered. That is the context of Jesus' teaching in Matthew 6:19-34. He is talking about living for the temporal things of this physical world, as opposed to living for the kingdom of God. The world is eagerly seeking the temporal things of life, whether it is riches and possessions, or just the basic things of life. We as blood bought, born again followers of Christ are to make His business our utmost priority, and He will provide the things we need.
     We have to let go of one world, because we cannot hang on to both. As Christians we belong to a kingdom that is not of this world. Lets make the choice to live for the things that will matter in eternity. Lets make the choice to live wholeheartedly for Christ and His glory.
     It is one or the other, you can't have both worlds. You cannot live this life for yourself, and have Christ at the same time. There is a line in the sand so to speak. What side will you be on?

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Now is the time.

     This is the day of salvation! Now is the acceptable time! Call upon Him while He is near! Seek Him while He may be found! Today if you hear His voice, do not harden your heart!
     God's Spirit will not always strive with man. You may not have another chance to repent of your sin and get right with Him. Without the Holy Spirit's conviction in your life you will never repent, you will never have saving faith.
     No one is guaranteed tomorrow. We do not know when we will take our final breath. Do not harden your heart! Do not resist the Spirit! This might be your final call!
     Now is the time.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Prepare To Meet Thy God!!! Evangelist Steve Hill Brownsville Revival

     The convicting power of the Holy Spirit!
     "God, raise up evangelists to speak with a voice of thunder...."

Jump In!

     I see a cloud the size of a man's hand on the horizon. I see the sky turn black and the winds blow. I see an abundance of rain falling upon a dry and thirsty land (1 Kings 18:44-45).

     I hear a mighty rushing wind, I see tongues of fire descending upon a consecrated Church (Acts 2:1-4). I see her rise up in newness and power, the glory of God in her midst.

     I see a river, ankle deep, rising and rising until rushing and deep (Ezekiel 47:3-5). I see it making things fresh, I see it bringing life where death now reigns (Ezekiel 47:8-9).

     It is coming! God is about to pour out His Holy Spirit in abundance and mighty power!
                           JUMP IN!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Are You Really Thirsty?

      O God, Thou art my God; I shall seek Thee earnestly; My soul thirsts for Thee, my flesh yearns for Thee, in a dry and weary land where there is no water.
      Psalm 63:1 NASB

     Imagine you are lost in a vast desert. You have used up all of your water, and have searched in vain for a stream, pool, or well. There is absolutely no water anywhere. 
     Now you are thirsty. Your mouth is dry, your tongue sticks to the roof of your mouth. Your lips crack, your dehydrating body is screaming for water. You must have water or you will die!
     God wants us to thirst after Him with the same intensity of desire! Do you really long for His presence? Many people say they want revival, they desire God's presence in their lives, but do they really? Do you want God so badly that you will give anything for a taste of His presence? Will you do whatever it takes to see revival come to your heart, your church, your community? Will you give all, do all, whatever it takes? If not, I dare say you do not really want it. God is looking for those who seek after Him with all their heart. He is looking for those who are searching with a holy desperation. He honors those who want Him with an all consuming passion. 
    Are you really thirsty? Do you really want God's glory to fill this land once again? Is it just a nice idea in your mind, or is it as serious as an individual dying of thirst in the desert? 
     Do you want it?

Sunday, April 6, 2014

You Can't Have It - Steve Hill

What are we doing with our lives? What drives us? Are we living for the moment, or are we living with eternity in mind? Are we storing up treasures here on this earth, or treasures in heaven? Let this message challenge you to live for God with passion.

The Fear of Man.

     O God, deliver us from the fear of man. Remove the pride from our hearts, so that we may see that Your opinion of us is the only one that matters. Remove the blinders from our eyes so that we will see the lost souls around us. Help us to see that they are sinking into an eternal hell while we sit by and watch, paralyzed by the fear of what they might think of us if we tried to warn them. Help us to see that this life and all of its attractions does not count for anything. So what if we miss out on what this world can offer us. Give us a holy boldness so that we will fearlessly snatch others from the mouth of hell. O God, deliver us from the fear of man!

Get Real!

     It is time that we were truly honest with ourselves, and with God. Many of us have been fooled into thinking we can have the ways of this world, and still have Jesus. We think we can be one person in church on Sunday, and another person during the week.
     We might have fooled ourselves, but God will not be mocked (Galatians 6:7). He desires us to be truthful on the inside (Psalm 51:6). Many of us in fact are LUKEWARM! We are on the fence! God is about to vomit us out of His mouth (Rev 3:16).
     Get real with God! Get off the fence! There is no middle ground in the Kingdom of God. It is all or nothing. Get the sin out, get the compromise out!
     Jesus is waiting for you. He stands at the door of your heart (Rev 3:20). He longs for you to return; to let Him back in. He wants to forgive, to restore, to pour His mercy down on you.
     Get real with God.

Friday, April 4, 2014

What's Worth Living For?

                 Only one life will soon be past
            only what's done for Christ will last.

     This life will soon be over. The years go by faster than we care them to. We spend the years cramming as much as we can into life, and then it is gone forever. In eternity, one hundred years is as a vapor, if we are blessed to live that long, and then we stand before God.
     What will it really matter then? What will all of our accomplishments matter? What will it matter then  how much money we made? What will all of our hobbies and pursuits matter? What about all of the entertainment we now enjoy? All the time spent in front of a screen will not matter in God's eyes. All the leisure time, all the money spent to pamper ourselves, will not matter.
     Only what we have done in this life for Jesus Christ, will count on the day we stand before Him!
The time spent in prayer for the lost, the time spent witnessing for Him, the time spent in fellowship with Him, these are the things that matter now! Do we live for Him? Do we really love Him? Do our lives show it? Do we obey His commands, or live in disobedience?
     If most of us would be honest with ourselves we would probably find that most of what we do is done for ourselves with little or no regard for God. We would find that we are to a large degree self seeking. None of that will stand on that day when we stand before God. All that we do, even that which is not wrong in and of itself, for any reason other than for God and His glory, is done with wrong motives. If we would take this seriously, we would find that our lives would be simplified greatly, and our walk with Christ would be renewed.
     May God help us to turn around and begin to live for Him, and Him alone. May He get a hold of our hearts so that we will seek first His kingdom and righteousness. May God have mercy on us.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Elijah, a man just like us.

     Elijah stood against the idolatry of Israel in the days of Ahab and Jezebel. At his word it did not rain for three and a half years (1Kings 17:1). This was God's judgment against His backslidden people.
     After three and a half years of drought and famine, the word of the Lord came to Elijah once again. He was to show himself to king Ahab, because God was about to send rain (1Kings 18:1).
     Before God could send rain, the people had to repent of the sin that had placed them under the judgment of God. They had to put away their idols, they had to chose whom they would serve (1Kings 18:21). In a remarkable trial by fire, baal was proven to be no god at all, and The Lord God was shown to be the one and only God (1Kings 18:20-40).
    With the sin dealt with, Elijah prays for rain. Seven times he sends his servant to look before he sees a cloud the size of a man's hand (1Kings 18:42-44). This cloud grew until the sky was black resulting in a heavy shower.
     You may look at this biblical event, as well as other miraculous accounts, and feel that God only used special people to do extraordinary things. He used "super apostles" like Paul, and the disciples to do amazing things.
     The bible tells us that Elijah was a man with a nature like ours (James 5:16-18). He was no different than you or I. God has chosen each one of us to do things for Him in advancing His kingdom. Some are pastors, teachers, evangelists. Others are witnesses in the home and in the workplace. The passage in James 5 is talking about prayer. We need men and women with the kind of faith that Elijah had when he prayed down fire, and then prayed down rain.
     God desires to send the fire of His Spirit to cleanse and purify His people. He desires to send the refreshing rain of His presence to a dry and weary land. He is not looking for a great individual to use. He is looking for an individual full of faith, and willing to be used in any way.
     God will send revival. Will it come through you?